CyberPower RB1290X4L Manual
Uafbrydelig strømforsyning (UPS)
Læs nedenfor 📖 manual på dansk for CyberPower RB1290X4L (2 sider) i kategorien Uafbrydelig strømforsyning (UPS). Denne guide var nyttig for 31 personer og blev bedømt med 4.5 stjerner i gennemsnit af 2 brugere
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Battery Replacement
1. lace t e UPS on its top and remove the retaining screw (figureP h 1).
2. lide t e battery compartment cover completel off of t e unit (figu e S h y h r 2).
3. emo e the battery from the compartment and di con ect batterR v s n the y
w r n ng theires from the battery. Install the replacement batte y b coy necti
red wire to the positive (+) terminal and the blac ire to the negative (-) k w
ter inal of the battery. (figure 3m )
4. S h r nd h thelide t e battery compartment cover over the batte y a tig ten
retaining crews .
5. PS Charge the unit for 4 – 8 hours to ensure the U perform expecteds
ru .ntimes
MOD : CP600L CD P P -G, EL CD, 82CP 5L , C 800A , CVR 685AVR
CP8 A G P G, 25 VR-G CP AVRLC, 685 D- , C 825A CD-VRL
1. lace t e UPS on its side and locate the battery co pa ent coveP h m rtm r on
the n ws u bottom of the UPS. Remove the four (4) retai ing scre and p ll
the .battery compartment cover off the UPS (figure 1 & 2)
2. R v s n the y emo e the battery from the compartment and di con ect batter
w n r y nires from the batteries. I stall the replacement batte ies b con ecting
the w m h ry red wire and black wire to the same color ire fros t e batte
pac . Put the batter pack into the compartment (fig e 3)k y ur .
3. S h r nd h thelide t e battery compartment cover over the batte y a tig ten
retaining crew. Charge the unit for 4 – 8 hours to ens e t e Us ur h PS
performs expected runtimes.
I s, AVR Seriesntelligent LCD Serie
1. R v .emo e the front panel of the UPS
2. P r verull out both round knobs and remove the batter compay tment co
completely off of the unit.
3. R v .emo e the batteries from the compartment
4. D .isconnect the battery wires from the batteries
5. r u Install the replacement batteries by connecting the wi e b ndle
(co posed of one red wire and one black wire) to the con ecto f omm n r r
the m rtment.battery pack. Put the batteries back into the co pa
6. R n h u se-i stall the battery compartment cover and pus both ro nd obkn
bac into place. Put the front panel back on the UPk S.
7. r u 16 o Connect to AC power and charge the new batteries fo p to h urs
to i sure a full chargen .
Smart APP SIN WAVE SerieE s
1. h s s n remov h ront n ning Place t e UPS on it ide to locate a d e t e f pa el retai
scr s r m he .ew f om the botto of t UPS
2. v nt n war U . Slide the co er (fro pa el) to ds the bottom of the PS
3. mov m un .Re e it fro the it
4. the th ver.Disconnect the cable located at top of e co
5. w fr the s.Disconnect the battery ires om batterie
6. mov h r th m rtment.Re e t e batte ie fros m e co pa
7. In h m r b n r k w sstall t e replace ent batte ies y co necting the ed and blac ire
to the ame color wi es om batte pac batter pac s r fr the ry k. Pu t the y k
bac i to the compa tmek n r nt.
8. h m rtment ve h creReplace t e batter coy pa co r and tig ten the etaining r s w.
Ch u u U r arge the nit for -8 4 hou to ensrs re the PS pe fo expectedrms
run s.time
1. mov h ht ront .Re e t e rig side f panel
2. mov h h r ng cr r he pr n ver ndRe e t e t ree etaini s ew fos t cable otectio co a
r v h r.emo e t e cove
3. and .Disconnect the black red cable
4. mov h cr ng th r in .Re e t e one etaining r s ew holdi e batte y pack place
5. mov h k.Re e t e batte pacry
6. In h new ry k. ss crew ve stall t e batte pac A emble the s s, co r, cable and
front panel i t e e o de of ious tep C ge e nitn h revers r r the prev s s. har th u
for -8 rs to ens re the U pe for expected ti4 hou u PS r ms run mes.
MODE 900A , C 1200A , C 1500 T,L: CP VR P VR P AVR
1285A , C 1350A D, C 15 0A CP VRLCD P VRLC P 0 VRLCD
1. Remove the right side front panel.
2. Remove four screws from battery compartment cover and remove the cover
completely off the unit.
3. Disconnect the black and red cable
4. Insert the new battery pack. Assemble the screws, cover, cable and front
panel in the reverse sequence of above steps.
5. Install the replacement batteries by connecting the red and the black wire to
the same color wires from the battery pack. Recharge the unit for at least 8
hours to ensure the UPS performs expected runtime.
MODE : O 500 CD M2U, O 2200 U,L R1 L R R LC RM2D
O 1500 CD , O CDR L RTXL2U R2200L RTXL2U
A sVR Serie
MODE 500 M1U, O 700 CD U, O 100 CD M1U,L: OR LCDR R L RM1 R 0L R
OR LC U1500 DRM1
Smart PP ntel igent L D SerieA I l C s
1 2 3
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1 2
4 5
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1 2
1 2
1. R v .emo e the front panel of the UPS
2. R v an s theemo e two screws from the battery compartment cover d lide
cover completely off of the unit.
3. R vemo e the batteries from the compartment. Disconnect the battery
w .ires from the batteries
4. r u Install the replacement batteries by connecting the wi e b ndle
(co posed of one red wire and one black wire) to the con ecto f omm n r r
the .battery pack
5. P R h ut the batteries back into the compartment. e-install t e battery
compartment cover and tighten the retaining scre ut front pa elws. P the n
bac on the UPSk .
6. r u 16 o Connect to AC power and charge the new batteries fo p to h urs
to i sure a full chargen .
MOD : 100 CDEL PR 0L
1. mov h r n the S.Re e t e f ont pa el of UP
2. mov w r m he m ver n s theRe e t o sc ews fro t batte cory partment co a d lide
cove completel off of the itr y un .
3. mov h s ro r nt. Dis n Re e t e batterie f m the compa tme co nect the battery
wir r r f om the batte ie
4. In h nt r by the re bu stall t e replaceme batte ies co ectingnn wi ndle
(co po ed of one red wire d o blac e) to con ecto f omm s an ne k wir the n r r
the batte pack ry .
5. the r s m n Put batte ie bac into thek co partme t. e-i tall the batte R ns ry
co pa tme t co a d tig te e etaini screw ont pa elm r n ver n h n th r ng s. Pu t the fr n
bac on thek UPS.
6. n wer n h ne r up 6 oCo nect to AC po a d c arge the w batteries fo to 1 h urs
to ins re a full cha ge u r .
1 3 42
1. R th r s fr n .emove e ight ide ont pa el
2. R th wo n scr pr andemove e t retai ing ew fo thes r cable otectio coven r
remov v .e the co er
3. Dis n h .co nect t e black and ed r cable
4. R th ne ning h tery .emove e o retai s w cre holding t e bat pack in place
5. R th .emove e batter packy
6. s e As the crews ve and In tall the n w ry . batte pack semble s , co r, cable
fro pa el in reve se seque ce of the ab ve teps Cha ge itnt n the r n o s . r the un
fo 4- hou to the pe form expected tir 8 rs e ure ns UPS r s run mes.
MODE : 50 CD M1U, 1000 CDL PR7 L R PR L RM1U
1 2
4 5
1. R th r s fr n .emove e ight ide ont pa el
2. R th wo n scr pr andemove e t retai ing ew fo thes r cable otectio coven r
remov v .e the co er
3. Dis n h .co nect t e black and ed r cable
4. R th nin s th er pac .emove e fou retair g cre holdingws e batt y k in place
5. R th .emove e batter packy
6. s e As the crews ve and In tall the n w ry . batte pack semble s , co r, cable
fro pa el in reve se der of the pre iou teps ar itnt n the r or v s s . Ch ge the un
fo 4- hou to the pe form expected tir 8 rs e ure ns UPS r s run mes.
MODE : 500 M2U, 2200L PR1 SWR PR SWRM2U
1 2
4 5
1. mov h r U n crew romRe e t e f ont panel of the PS a d two s s f the battery
co pa tme t co and lide the co co pletel off of the itm r n ver s ver m y un .
2. ou h ry k the outs fr m rtment. Pull t t e batte pac on ide om the co pa
Di co nect the batte con ecto f om the batte ies n ry n r r r s.
3. r v th the s k he andBefore emo ing e batter pac ony k in ide, nloc u t cable tie
pu out ry r s th ry r r ll the batte wi es Di. co ectnn e batte co ectonn f om the
batte ier s.
4. In h m ry o the i b n stall t e replace ent batte pack n nside y nnco ecti g the
wir n n s and one e bu dle con ector (compo ed of one ed r wire blac wire)k
to the connecto f t e batte pac oc the batter wi bac r rom h ry k. L k y res k
w .ith the cable tie
5. In h m r uts b n wire stall t e replace ent batte ie ons the o ide y co necting the
bu r m s r wire one r hendle connecto (co po ed of one ed and blac wik e) to t
co necto fro t e batte pac the batte pack the outsiden r m h ry k. Pu t ry on
bac i to the compa tmek n r nt.
6. h ry r nt r n nRe-i tall tns e batte compa tme cove and tighte the etai r ing
scr s the nt n U .ew and put fro pa el bac on thek PS
7. n nd ch th new r s 6 ho Co nect to AC power a arge e batte ie for p to 1 u urs
to ins re a full cha ge u r .
Note The batte y pack e out ide a se hile batter pack: r o thn s has fu , w the y
on the side doe ot in s n .
MODE : 2200 D, 00L PR LC PR30 LCD
12 3 4
MODEL: LC R R2 DR O 500R1 D T2U, O 200LC T2U,
1. r sRem ove the ight ide ont pa el fr n .
2. ws n Rem r r n sove the th ee etai ing cre for the cable otectio pr co erv and
remove the
3. ws nnRem tw r ning ove the o etai scre from he t cable co ectors.
4. nnDisco ect e blac a d ed cable th k n r .
5. r r s h ry n Rem ove the fou etai ing ewn scr oldi g the batten pac ik place.
6. Rem ry k.ove the batte pac
7. ry Ass ws, r, In tall e new battes th pack. em screble the cove cable and
front n rever th rev us r he unpa el in the se order of e p io s s. tep Cha ge t it
for 4- ho to e pe fo ex ected ti 8 urs nsure the UPS r rms p run mes.
Produkt Specifikationer
Mærke: | CyberPower |
Kategori: | Uafbrydelig strømforsyning (UPS) |
Model: | RB1290X4L |
Bredde: | 304.8 mm |
Dybde: | 203.2 mm |
Højde: | 63.5 mm |
Vægt: | 10800 g |
Batterispænding: | 12 V |
Batterikapacitet: | 9 At |
Pakkevægt: | 11790 g |
Pakkedybde: | 476.25 mm |
Pakkebredde: | 361.95 mm |
Pakkehøjde: | 158.75 mm |
Batteriteknologi: | Blybatterier (VRLA) |
Relativ luftfugtighed ved drift (H-H): | 0 - 95 % |
Driftstemperatur (T-T): | 0 - 40 °C |
Numre af batterier medfølger: | 4 stk |
Kapabilitet: | OR2200LCDRT2U |
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