IHome Powerclock Glow IBT295 Manual

IHome Radio Powerclock Glow IBT295

Læs nedenfor 📖 manual på dansk for IHome Powerclock Glow IBT295 (1 sider) i kategorien Radio. Denne guide var nyttig for 2 personer og blev bedømt med 4.5 stjerner i gennemsnit af 2 brugere

Side 1/1
iBT295 - QSG (English)
Size: 700 x 160 mm (unfold), 140 x 160 mm (folded)
Color: Black (1C + 1C)
Material: 85gsm, WF paper
May 19, 2020 Front Cover
Quick Start Guide
AC adapter
iBT295 unit
Quick Set-Up:
The Display
• Remove the battery pull tab from the bottom
of the unit before use.
• Connect the included AC adapter to the DC
jack located on the back of the unit, and
connect the other end to a working wall
Connecting the Unit
Ste p One
Set ting Your Clock
Ste p Two
Connecting to Bluetooth
Ste p Three
• Press and hold the Time Set Button until the
display flashes.
• Press the to adjust selections or + Buttons
and tap to confirm (make sure you Time Set
set the correct AM/PM time).
• Do this for time, year, month and date.
• All done!
Daylight Savings Time:
By default, the DST Switch on the bottom of
the unit is set to Auto and will automatically
adjust the time in March and November.
FM Radio + Presets
Extend the radio antenna for best reception. Press a FM Preset Button (1-4) to turn on the
radio and use the to select a frequency. or + Buttons
The unit allows you to store up to 4 FM radio station presets.
1. Press the + or Buttons to tune the radio to the desired station (hold to scan for the next
clear station).
2. Press and hold a FM Preset Button (1-4). 2 beeps will sound to confirm the prese t has
been assigned. Repeat steps 1-2 until you have set up to 4 preset stations.
3. Press an FM Preset Button (1-4) to l isten to a preset FM station at any time.
Charging Devices Via USB Port
1. Connect the standard size e nd of a USB cable (not
included) to the USB port on the back of the unit and
connect the other e nd to the charging port on your
2. Monitor the charging on your device. Some devices use
a proprietary charging method and will not charge using
the USB port. If this happens, you must charge your
device using the charger that came with it.
Battery Back-Up
The unit uses a CR-2450 back-up battery to provide continuous alarm operation and clock
settings in the event of a temporary power failure. Remove the battery pull tab before use.
When the battery icon on the clock display is flashing, it is time to replace the back-up
battery. The battery compartment is located on the bottom of the unit.
1. Make sure the AC adapter is connected, or you will l ose
your time and alarm settings during battery replacement.
2. Use a Phillips screwdriver to open the battery compartment
3. Insert a fresh CR-2450 battery, checking that the polarity
match the markings on the unit. Replace the compartment
door. Do not overtighten.
This e quipment complies with FCC RF radiation e xposure limits se t forth for an unco ntrolled e nvironm ent.
This d evice complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules, operation is subjec t to the follo wing two co nditions :
(1) This device may no t caus e harm ful interferenc e, and (2) this d evice must acc ept any interference received ,
including interferenc e that m ay c ause undes ired operation.
• Warning: Changes or m odifications to this unit not expressly ap prov ed b y the party responsible for com pliance
could void the user’s autho rity to op erate the equipm ent.
• NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital dev ice, purs uant
to Pa rt 15 of the FCC Rules.
Thes e limits are designed to pro vide reaso nable protectio n against harmful interference in a residential insta llation.
This equipment generates , uses and can radiate radio frequenc y energy and, if not installed and used in accordance
with the instructions , ma y ca use ha rmful interference to radio com munications.
However, there is no guarantee tha t interference will no t o ccur in a p articular installation. If this equipm ent d oes
caus e harm ful interference to radio or television recep tion, which c an be determ ined by turning the equipment o
and o n, the us er is enc ouraged to try to c orrect the interference b y one or more o f the following me asures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increa se the separation b etween the equipm ent and rece iver.
• Connec t the equipment into an outlet on a c ircuit dierent from that to which the rece iver is c onnec ted.
• Consult the d ealer o r an experienced radio /TV technician for help.
This e quipment should be ins talled and op erated with minimum distanc e 20 cm between the radiator & your bo dy.
IC Statement
This e quipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation expos ure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environm ent.
This device co ntains licenc e-exem pt transmitter(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innova tion, Science and Econo mic
Develo pme nt Cana da’s licence -exempt RSS(s ). Ope ration is s ubject to the following two co nditions:
(1) This device may no t caus e interference .
(2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
The device m eets the exemption from the routine evaluation limits in section 2.5 o f RSS 102 a nd c ompliance with
RSS-102 RF exposure, users can o btain C anad ian information on RF expo sure a nd co mpliance.
This eq uipm ent sho uld be insta lled and o pera ted with a minimum dista nce o f 20 c m betwe en the radia tor and
your body.
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approv ed by the party responsible for com pliance could void the user’s
authority to operate the equipm ent.
Cet é quipem ent e st conforme aux limites d'expos ition aux radiations IC C NR-102 établies p our un environnement
non c ontrôlé.
L’éme tteur/récepteur exempt de licence contenu da ns le présent ap pareil est conform e aux CNR d’Innov ation,
Scie nces et Développement économique Canada app licables aux appa reils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation
est autorisée aux deux c onditions suiva ntes :
(1) L’ap pareil ne doit pa s pro duire de brouillag e;
(2) L’a ppa reil doit ac cep ter tout bro uillage radioélec trique subi, mêm e si le brouillage est s usce ptible d’en
com promettre le fonc tionnem ent.
Le disp ositif rencontre l'exemptio n des limites co urantes d'éva luation da ns la se ction 2.5 de RSS 102 et la
conformité à l'exposition de RSS-102 rf, utilisateurs peut obtenir l'information canadienne sur l'exposition et la
conformité de rf.
Cet éq uipement doit être installé et utilisé ave c une distanc e minimale de 20 c m entre le radia teur et vo tre co rps.
Tout c hange ment ou mod ification non expressém ent approuvé par la pa rtie respo nsable de la co nformité pe ut
annuler l'autorité de l'utilisateur à utiliser l'éq uipement.
CAN ICES-3 (B) / NMB-3(B)
Printed in China
Please heed al l warnings, read and fol low all instructions and keep these instructions handy
for future reference.
1. Do not use this product near water, and clean only with dry cloth.
2. Do not block any ventilation openings. Instal l in accordance with the manufacturer’s
3. Heat This product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat
registers, stoves or other appliances (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
4. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.
5. Unplug this product during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.
6. Damage Requiring Service – This product should be serviced by qualified service personnel
- Plug has been damaged.
- Obje cts have fal len into or liquid has been spille d into the enclosure.
- The unit has been exposed to rain. The unit has been dropped or the enclosure damaged.
- The unit exhibits a marked change in performance or does not operate normally.
7. No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on this product.
8. Attention should be drawn to the environmental aspects of battery disposal.
9. This product is suitable for use in tropical and/or moderate climates.
10. WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this product to rain
or moisture.
11. Do not dispose of batteries in the household trash or fire.
12. The mains plug of power adaptor is used as the disconnect device, it shall remain readily
Place the unit on a level surface away from sources of direct sunlight or excessive heat.
Remove the plastic protective film from the clock display.
Protect your furniture when placing your unit on a natural wood and lacquered finish.
A cloth or other protective material should be placed between it and the furniture.
Clean your unit with a soft cloth moistened only with mil d soap and water. Stronger cleaning
agents such as thinner or similar materials can damage the surface of the unit.
Setting A Sound Alarm
1. P ress and hold the for 2 seconds until the alarm time display and alarm Sound Alarm Button
icon flash. A beep sounds.
2. Press the + or Buttons to adjust the alarm time to the desired time (hold for rapid setting).
Make sure you set the correct AM/PM alarm time. The PM indicator appears to the left of the display.
3. Press the Sound Alarm Button to confirm the alarm time setting. The alarm schedule will flash:
7 (every day), 5 (weekdays) or 2 (weekend only). Press the or + Buttons to select the desired
alarm schedule.
4. Press the to confirm the alarm schedule. The wake-to source will flash.Sound Alarm Button
5. Press the or + Buttons to select a wake-to alarm source: Bluetooth, FM Radio, or Tone:
Wake to Bluetooth: Press the Sound Alarm Button to confirm.
Wake to FM Radio: Press the to confirm. Press the or the Sound Alarm Button or + Buttons
FM Presets Buttons to select the desired FM frequency to wake to.
Wake to Tone: Press the to confirm. Press the to sel ect a Sound Alarm Button or + Buttons
tone (T1-T4).
6. Press the Sound Alarm Button to confirm wake-to source. The alarm volume will flash.
7. Press the or + Buttons to adjust the alarm volume.
8. Press the Sound Alarm Button to confirm alarm volume and exit alarm setting mode.
2 beeps will confirm alarm setting is complete. The alarm icon on the display indicates alarm is armed.
Setting A Light Alarm
1. P ress and hold the Light Alarm Button for 2 seconds until the alarm time display and alarm icon
flash. A beep sounds.
2. Press the + or Buttons to adjust the alarm time to the desired time (hold for rapid setting).
Make sure you set the correct AM/PM alarm time. The PM indicator appears to the left of the display.
3. Press the to confirm the alarm time setting. The alarm schedule will flash:Light Alarm Button
7 (every day), 5 (weekdays) or 2 (weekend only). Press the or + Buttons to select the desired
alarm schedule.
4. Press the to confirm the alarm schedule. The wake-to source will flash.Light Alarm Button
5. Press +or Buttons to select a wake-to light mode: Dawn, Fade, Fast, Stop, Beat, Sky, or Nite.
6. Press the to confirm alarm settings and exit alarm setting mode. 2 beeps will Light Alarm Button
confirm alarm setting is complete. The alarm icon on the display indicates alarm is armed.
DC 5V 2A
Model: iBT295
Previewing the Alarm
Press and release the to view the current Light Alarm Button or Sound Alarm Button
alarm set tings.
Programmable Snooze and Dimmer
Adjust the snooze duration and set a schedule for your clock backlight to automatically
dim and brighten at certain times of the day.
1. Press and hold the Snooze/Dimmer Button until the display starts to flash.
2. Use the + or - Buttons to adjust the snooze duration from 1-29 minutes. Press the
Snooze/Dimmer Button again to confirm.
Now it’s time to set the display dimmer schedule:
3. Use the + or - Buttons to set the AUTO dimmer to ON or OFF. Press Snooze/Dimmer
Button to confirm. (Note: Choosing OFF will simply exit the setting.)
4. Use the + or - Buttons to choose the BRIGHTNESS level for daytime hours. Press
Snooze/Dimmer Button again to confirm.
5. Use the +/- Buttons to set the TIM E you want the daytime dimmer to take ee ct.
Press Snooze/Dimmer Button again to confirm.
6. Use the +/- Buttons to choose the BRI GHTNESS le vel for nighttime hours. Press
Snooze/Dimmer Button again to confirm.
7. Use the +/- Buttons to set the TIM E you want the nighttime dimmer to take eect.
Press Snooze/Dimmer Button again to confirm.
8. Done! The icon will appear on the display when Dimmer Schedule is active.
Snooze: When the alarm is sounding, press the Snooze/Dimmer Button to snooze for 9
Dimmer: Press the Snooze/Dimmer Button (when alarm is NOT sounding) to adjust
display brightness.
iHome Products, a division of SDI Technologies Inc. (hereafter referred to as SDI), warrants
this product to be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal use and
conditions, for a period of 90 days from the date of original purchase. Should this product
fail to function in a satisfactory manner, it is best to first return it to the store where it was
originally purchased. Should this fail to resolve the matter and service still be required by
reason of any defect or mal function during the warranty period, SDI will repair or, at its
discretion, replace this product without charge. This decision is subje ct to verification of
the defect or malfunction upon del ivery of this product to the Factory Service Center
authorized by Customer Service.
If service is required, please contact Customer Service at ihomeaudio.com/support/con-
tact to obtain a Return Authorization Number and shipping instructions. A copy of the
sales receipt is required to validate in-warranty coverage. If proof of purchase cannot be
produced, the product will be deemed out-of-warranty. The date of purchase, vendor,
product model number, and purchase price must be legible and verifiable.
Disclaimer of Warranty
NOTE: This warranty is valid only if the product is used for the purpose for which it was
designed. It does not cover (i) products which have been damaged by negligence or
willful actions, misuse or accident, or which have bee n modified or repaired by unautho-
rized persons; (ii) cracked or broken cabinets, or units damaged by excessive heat; (iii)
damage to digital media players, CD’s or tape cassettes (if applicable); (iv) the cost of
shipping this product to the Factory Service Center and its return t o the owner. This
warranty is val id only in the United States of America and does not extend to owners of
the product other than to the original purchaser. In no event will SDI or any of its aliates,
contractors, resellers, their ocers, directors, shareholders, members or agents be l iable
to you or any third party for any consequential or incidental damages, any lost profits,
actual, exemplary or punitive damages.
(Some states do not allow limitations on implied warranties or exclusion of consequential
damages, so these restrictions may not apply to you.) This warranty gives you specific
legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to st ate. Your
acknowledgment and agreement to fully and completely abide by the above mentioned
disclaimer of warranty is contractuall y binding to you upon your transfer of currency
(money order, cashier's check, or credit card) for purchase of your SDI product.
© 2020 SDI Techno logies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Quest ions? Visit www.ihome .com
Questions? Visit ihome.com
Bluetooth Speaker + USB Charging
PM Indicator
Programm able Dimmer
Bluetooth Status Light Alarm
Sound Alarm
Press the Power Button.
Press and hold the Play/Bluetooth Pairing
Button until the display flashes.
Select ‘iHome iBT295’ from your Bluetooth
device’s menu to connect.
Low Backup Battery
FM Radio Sleep Mode
Backup Battery
Compartm ent
Note: Unit must be plugged into working
outlet in order to charge devices.
• Do not ingest the battery, Chemical Burn Hazard. This product contains a coin/button cell
battery. If the coin/button cell battery is swallowe d, it can cause severe internal burns in just
2 hours and can lead to death.
Keep new and used batte ries away from children. I f the battery compartment does not
close securely, stop using the product and keep it away from children. If you think batteries
mtight have been swall owed or placed inside any part of the body, seek immediate medical
Sleep Mode
To set a sleep timer:
1. Press the Sleep Button as needed to cycle to the desired sle ep timer duration: 120, 90,
60, 30, 15 minutes, or OFF.
2. Press and rel ease the during Slee p Mode to review the remaining sleep Sleep Button
Snooze/Display Dimmer
Bluetooth Mode
Controls Overview
DC Jack
Rear Controls Light Modes
Use to adjust the brightness.DIM Butt ons
Press Light Mode to cycle through colo rs.
Time Set Button
USB Charging Port
FM Antenna
(exten d for best
recepti on)
Turning the Alarm On/O
1. Press and rel ease the corresponding Alarm Button (Light or Sound) twice within 5
seconds to toggle the alarm ON and OFF, indicated by the rel ated white alarm indicator
2. When the alarm sounds, press the corresponding Alarm Button (Light or Sound) or the
Power Button to disable the al arm and reset it to come on at the same time the next
Using Light Modes
Press the Light Mode Button repeatedly to cycle through 6 dierent modes:
• Fade
• Fast
• Stop
• Be at*
• Sky
• Nightlight
Use DIM Buttons to adjust the brightness.
*Beat Light M ode will pulse to music only when the unit is in Bluetooth mode.

Produkt Specifikationer

Mærke: IHome
Kategori: Radio
Model: Powerclock Glow IBT295

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