Livarno Lux IAN 354982 Manual

Læs nedenfor 📖 manual på dansk for Livarno Lux IAN 354982 (4 sider) i kategorien Ikke kategoriseret. Denne guide var nyttig for 11 personer og blev bedømt med 4.5 stjerner i gennemsnit af 2 brugere

Side 1/4
IAN 354982_2004
Naudojimo instrukcija
1. Įvadas
Pirkdami pasirinkote aukštos
kokybės gaminį.
s įsigijote aukštos kokybės gaminį. Eks-
ploatacijos instrukcija yra šio gaminio
dalis. Joje pateikiami svarbūs saugumo,
naudojimo ir šalinimo nurodymai. Prieš
naudodami gaminį susipažinkite su visais
naudojimo ir saugos nurodymais. Naudo-
kite gaminį, tik kaip aprašyta ir nurodytose
naudojimo srityse. Perduodami gaminį tre-
čiosioms šalims perduokite visus jo doku-
mentus. Laikykitės instrukcijų ateityje.
Simbolių paaiškinimas
Šioje naudojimo instrukcijoje, ant gaminio
ar ant pakuotės naudojami šie simboliai ir
signaliniai žodžiai.
Toliau vadinama Akumuliatorinis kišeninis
LED žibintuvėlis gaminiu
Šis signalinis simbolis / žodis žymi didelė
rizikos laipsnio pavojų, kurio nepaisymas
gali tapti mirties arba sunkių salojimų
Šis signalinis simbolis / žodis žymi žemo
rizikos laipsnio pavojų, kurio nepaisymas
gali tapti lengvų arba vidutinių sužalojimų
Šis signalinis žodis perspėja apie galimus
daiktų sugadinimus arba suteikia jums
naudingos papildomos informacijos apie
Šis simbolis nurodo naudojimą pa-
talpose ir lauke.
Šis simbolis nurodo naudojimą tik
Šio simbolis nurodo naudojimą.
Šis simbolis nurodo galimus pavo-
jus vaikams.
Šis simbolis reiškia amžiaus apri-
bojimą norint naudotis gaminiu.
Šis ženklas nurodo pavojų apakti.
Šis ženklas nurodo pavojingą opti-
nę spinduliuotę.
Šis simbolis nurodo galimus pavo-
jus, kuriuos kelia elektros srovė.
Šis simbolis nurodo galimus pavo-
jus, kuriuos kelia perkaitimas.
Šis simbolis nurodo galimus pavo-
jus, kuriuos kelia sprogimai.
Šis simbolis nurodo galimus pavo-
jus, kuriuos kelia baterijų naudoji-
Šis ženklas žymi nuolatinę srovę.
Produktas turi USB prievadą.
Šis ženklas informuoja apie maksi-
malų šviesos srautą.
5 W
Šis ženklas žymi srovės galią: Va-
Šiuo ženklu žymimas saugumo
laipsnis IP44 (visapusė apsauga
nuo vandens purslų).
Šis ženklas žymi apsaugos klasę
SELV: saugi papildoma žemos
įtampos įtampa
Šie ženklai informuoja
apie pakuotės ir pro-
dukto utilizavimą.
Atitikties deklaracija (žr. skyrių
„8. Atitikties deklaracija“): Šiuo
simboliu pažymėti produktai ati-
tinka visas Europos ekonominėje erdvėje
taikomas normas.
2. Sauga
Naudojimas pagal paskirtį
Galioja Akumuliatorinis kišeninis
LED žibintuvėlis 1: Šis produktas
skirtas naudoti patalpose ir lauke.
Šis produktas nėra tinkamas namų
Įkrovimo stotis 2 turi būti montuo-
jama ir naudojama tik patalpose.
Jis neskirtas naudoti komercinėje aplinko-
je. Kitoks produkto naudojimas arba mo-
difikavimas laikomas naudojimu ne pagal
paskirir gali kelti pavojų susižaloti ir su-
gadinti nuosavybę. Gamintojas neprisiima
atsakomybės dėl pažeidimų ir žalos, atsi-
radusios l produkto naudojimo ne pagal
Gaminys gali atlaikyti dideles fizines ap-
krovas vibracijos pavidalu (1,0 m² / s³
200 — 2 000 Hz).
3. Pristatymo turinys (A)
1 x
Akumuliatorinis kišeninis LED žibintuvėlis 1
1 x Įkrovimo stotis 2
1 x įkrovimo adapteris 3
1 x Micro-USB kabelis 4
2 x varžtai 5
2 x kaiščiai, Ø 5 mm 6
1 x instrukcija
4. Techniniai duomenys
Akumuliatorinis kišeninis LED žibintuvėlis
IAN: 354982_2004
Tradix NR.: 354982-20-A
Šviečiantis elementas: 1x CREE-LED, 5 W
(baltos spalvos, nekeičiamas, toliau vadi-
namas šviesos diodu (LED))
Darbinė įtampa: 3,7 V
Bendroji galia: 5 W
Akumuliatorius: Ličio jo3,7 V / 2.000
Šviesos srautas: maks. 500 lm
Švietimo trukmė: apie 1,5 val., esant maksi-
maliam šviesumui (pagal ANSI)
Apsaugos klasė III/
Apsaugos tipas: IP44 (tik
Akumuliatorinis kišeninis LED žibintuvėlis)
Gamybos data: 08/2020
Garantija: 3 metai
5. Saugos nurodyma
Sužalojimo ir uždusimo
Jei vaikai žaidžia su
produktu ar pakuote, jie
gali sužeisti arba užspringti!
- Neleiskite vaikams žaisti su gaminiu
arba jo įpakavimu.
- Nepalikite be priežiūros vaikus, esan-
čius arti gaminio.
- Gaminį ir jo įpakavimą laikykite vai-
kams nepasiekiamoje vietoje.
Susižeidimo pavojus!
Netinka naudoti jaunes-
niems nei 8 metų vaikams!
Kyla pavojus susižeisti!
- Vaikus, vyresnius nei 8 metų, ir
asmenis, turinčius ribotus fizi-
nius, jutiminius ir protinius ge-
bėjimus arba neturinčius patirties ir ži-
nių naudojant gaminį, reikia prižiūrėti ir
(arba) instruktuoti dėl saugaus gaminio
naudojimo ir supažindinti su galimais
- Vaikams negalima žaisti su gaminiu.
- Vaikams be priežiūros negalima leisti
atlikti gaminio techninės priežiūros ir
(arba) valymo darbų.
Laikykitės šalies teisės aktų!
- Laikykitės galiojančių šalies potvarkių ir
teisės aktų, naudodami ir utilizuodami
Susižeidimo pavojus!
Nemontuokite įkrovimo
stoties lauke! Kyla pavojus
- Gaminio negalima naudoti potencia-
liai sprogioje aplinkoje (Ex). Gaminio
negalima naudoti aplinkoje, kurioje yra
degių skysčių, dujų ar dulkių.
Pavojus apakti!
- Nežiūrėkite tiesiai į LED šviesą ir
nenukreipkite LED šviesos į kitų
žmonių akis. Tai gali susilpninti regėjimą.
- šio gaminio gali sklisti pavojin-
ga optinė spinduliuotė. Nežiūrėki-
te tiesiai į LED šviesą. Tai gali pa-
kenkti jūsų akims.
Susižeidimo pavojus!
Gaminys su defektu negali būti
naudojamas! Kyla pavojus susi-
- Nenaudokite gaminio, jei jis neveikia,
yra pažeistas arba sugadintas.
- LED lemputės nekeičiamos. Jei LED lem-
putės sugedo, gaminio nenaudokite.
- Dėl netinkamai atliktų remonto darbų
gali kilti pavojus naudotojui.
Susižeidimo pavojus!
Gaminio negalima savaran-
kiškai ardyti! Kyla pavojus
susižeisti dėl elektros
- Korpuso negalima jokiais būdais atida-
ryti, gaminio negalima savarankiškai
ardyti ir (arba) modifikuoti. Savaran-
kiškai išardžius ir (arba) modifikavus
prietaisą kyla mirtinas pavojus patirti
elektros smūgį. Savarankiškas ardymas
ir (arba) modifikavimas draudžiamas
dėl licencijavimo priežasčių (CE).
- Naudojimo metu gaminys neturi būti
5.2 Akumuliatoriaus saugos
Gaisro ir sprogimo pavojus!
- Saugokite produktą nuo šilumos
šaltinių ir tiesioginių saulės spin-
dulių, dėl perkaitimo akumulia-
torius gali sprogti. Kyla pavojus
- Nenaudokite gaminio pakuotė-
je! Kyla gaisro pavojus!
Susižeidimo pavojus!
Nelieskite akumuliatoriaus,
iš kurio ištekėjo elektroli-
tas, plikomis rankomis!
Kyla pavojus susižeisti!
- Pratekėjusių arba pažeistų akumulia-
torių elektrolitas gali ėsdinti odą. Ne-
lieskite akumuliatorių, kurio ištekėjo
elektrolitas, plikomis rankomis, tinai
mūvėkite tam tinkamas apsaugines pirš-
- Šis produktas turi įmontuotą akumuliato-
rių, kuris negali būti keičiamas vartoto-
jo. Siekiant išvengti pavojų, nuimti ir vėl
įdėti turi tik gamintojas arba jo klientų
aptarnavimo tarnyba, arba atitinkamai
kvalifikuoti specialistai.
- Utilizuojant šį produktą būtina atkreipti
dėmesį į tai, kad jame yra įkraunama
6. Naudojimas
1. Pašalinkite visas pakavimo medžiagas.
2. Patikrinkite, ar yra visos dalys, ar jos ne-
Jeigu yra trukumų, praneškite nurodytu
paslaugos adresu.
6.1 Įkrovimo stoties monta-
Pavojus gyvybei!
Negręžkite prieš tai nepati-
krinę, ar nėra numatytoje
vietoje elektros laidų,
dujotiekio arba vandentiekio!
Kyla pavojus gyvybei!
- Elektros linijų, dujotiekių ar vandentie-
kių pažeidimas gali sukelti pavojingas
situacijas! Naudokite tinkamus detekto-
rius, kad nustatytumėte, ar darbo zono-
je nėra paslėptų linijų.
- Montuokite įkrovimo stotį 2 tik patal-
1. Pasirinkite tinkamą montavimui vietą ant
2. Atlenkite laikiklį 7 į apačią, kad ma-
tytumėte apatinę gręžtinę skylę, žr. B
3. Montuokite įkrovimo stotį 2 dviem
varžtais 5 ir kaiščiais, Ø 5 mm , kaip 6
pavaizduota B pav.
- Jeigu įkrovimo stotį 2 montuojate prie
medinės sienos, kaiščiai nereikalingi!
- Nepersukite varžtų 5!
6.2 Įkrovimo adapterio
montavimas (C)
1. Atlenkite laikiklį į viršų.7
2. Įkiškite įkrovimo adapterį 3 į laikiklį .7
3. Sukite įkrovimo adapterį 3 pagal lai-
krodžio rodyklę, kol užsifiksuos.
6.3 Akumuliatoriaus krovi-
mas (D)
Prieš pirmą naudojimą akumuliatorius turi
būti įkraunamas 12 valandas.
Naudodami 3 Micro-USB kabelį pri-4
junkite įkrovimo adapterį prie tinkamo prie-
taiso. Akumuliatorių taip pat galite įkrauti
naudodami maitinimo bloką su USB prieva-
du (neįeina į pristatymo turinį). Atkreipkite
dėmesį į techninius duomenis (5 V ,
500 mA).
Gaminį galima prijungti tik prie valdymo
įrenginio su SELV išvestimi ir su maksimaliu
išėjimo įtampos darbiniu piku (Uoit) 5 V
1. Įstatykite Micro-USB kištuką 8 į krovi-
mo adapterio 3 9 lizdą .
2. Įkiškite USB kištuką 10 į kraunantį prie-
3. Nulenkite laikiklį 7 į apačią.
Pavojus susižeisti dėl
elektros smūgio!
- Gaminį kraukite tik patalpoje.
- Jei gaminys sušlapo dėl naudojimo lau-
ke, prieš įkraudami, gaminį visiškai nu-
sausinkite sausa šluoste. Įsitikinkite, kad
gaminio pagrindo kontaktai sausi. Kyla
trumpo sujungimo pavojus.
4. Prijunkite gaminį 1 prie įkrovimo adap-
terio 3, įsitikinkite, kad šis užsifiksavo.
Jeigu reikia, krovimo procesas prasidės
Gaminys turi įkrovos indikatorių žr. 1 12
E pav.
- Krovimo metu įkrovos indikatorius 12
šviečia raudonai.
- Kai akumuliatorius visiškai įkrautas,
įkrovos indikatorius 12 šviečia žaliai.
Akumuliatorius turi automatinio išjungimo
įtaisą. Jis išjungia krovimo procesą esant
100 % įkrovai, todėl akumuliatoriaus neį-
manoma įkrauti per daug.
Dabar gaminys 1 paruoštas darbui.
6.4. Naudojimas
Gaminio įjungimas / išjungimas:
- Spauskite jungiklį 11, kol išgirsite aiškų
spragtelėjimą, žr. . Gaminys E pav 1
įsijungia 1 režimu, 100 % šviesumas.
- Toliau spaudžiant mygtuką 11 galima
persijungti į kitus 3 režimus:
50 % šviesumas / stroboskopinė švie-
sa (apsauga nuo užpuolikų) / signalas
- Kitu paspaudimu gaminys 1 jungia-
- Jeigu darbo režimas nebuvo keičiamas
ilgiau nei vieną minutę, kitas jungiklio-
paspaudimas 11 išjungia prietaisą.
- Nepriklausomai nuo darbo režimo, ga-
minį galite išjungti spausdami jungiklį
11 apie 2 sek .1
Ištraukus gaminį laikiklio jis auto-1 7
matiškai šviečia 50 % šviesumu.
Vėl įstačius į laikiklį 7 gaminys auto-1
matiškai išsijungia.
Stroboskopinė šviesa (apsauga nuo už-
puoliko) skirta trumpai apakinti ir sutrikdyti
galimą užpuoliką.
Nenukreipkite stroboskopinės
šviesos į pašalinius asmenis! Kyla
pavojus susižeisti!
Dėl ypač stipraus stroboskopinės šviesos
blykss greičio gali pablogėti vaikų ar as-
Instruction manual
1. Introduction
With this, you have chosen a high-quality
product. The operating instructions are an
integral part of this product. They contain
important information for safety, use and
disposal. Familiarise yourself with all of the
operating and safety information before
using the product. Only use the product
as described and for the specific areas of
application. Provide all of the documenta-
tion when passing the product on to third
parties. Keep the instructions for future ref-
Explanation of symbols
The following symbols and signal words
are used in these operating instructions, on
the product or on the packaging.
Hereinafter, the rechargeable LED torch
will be referred to as product.
This signal symbol/word indicates a haz-
ard with a high level of risk which, if not
avoided, may result in death or serious
This signal symbol/word indicates a haz-
ard with a low level of risk which, if not
avoided, may result in minor or moderate
This signal word warns of possible prop-
erty damage or provides you with useful
additional information regarding the use.
This symbol indicates indoor and
outdoor usage.
This symbol indicates interior use
This symbol indicates usage.
This symbol indicates potential
danger to children.
This symbol indicates the age rat-
ing of the product.
This symbol indicates a risk of glar-
This symbol indicates dangerous
optical radiation.
This symbol indicates potential
danger in relation to electric
This symbol indicates potential
danger in relation to overheating.
This symbol indicates potential
danger in relation to explosions.
This symbol indicates potential
danger from handling batteries /
rechargeable batteries.
This symbol indicates direct cur-
The product has a USB port.
This symbol provides information
regarding the maximum illumi-
5 W
This symbol indicates the power
output: watts.
This symbol indicates Protection
Class IP44 (Protection against
splashing water from all sides).
This symbol indicates protection
class III.
SELV: safe extra-low voltage
These symbols inform
you about the disposal
of the packaging and
Conformity declaration (see
Chapter „8. Conformity declara-
tion”): Products that are marked
with this symbol fulfil all applicable Com-
munity regulations of the European Eco-
nomic Area.
2. Safety
Intended use
Applies to the
rechargeable LED torch
1: This product is intended for in-
door and outdoor use.
This product is not suitable for
household room illuminiation.
The charging station 2 may only
be installed and used in interior
The product is not intended for commercial
use. Different use or a modification to the
product are not deemed as intended use
and may lead to risks, such as injuries and
damage. The distributor assumes no liabil-
ity for damage that results from improper
The product withstands extreme physical
stresses in the form of vibrations (1.0m² /
s³ 200 — 2,000Hz).
3. Scope of delivery (A)
1 x Rechargeable LED torch 1
1 x Charging station 2
1 x Charging adapter 3
1 x Micro-USB cable 4
2 x Screw 5
2 x Wall plugs, Ø 5 mm 6
1 x Operating instructions
4. Technical specifications
Type: Rechargeable LED torch
IAN: 354982_2004
Tradix Item No.: 354982-20-A
Light bulb: 1x CREE LED, 5 W
(white, not replaceable, hereinafter re-
ferred to as LED)
Operating voltage: 3.7 V
Total output: 5 W
Battery: Lithium ion 3.7 V / 2,000 mAh
(not replaceable)
Luminous flux: max. 500 lm
Burn time: approx. 1.5 h with max. bright-
ness (according to ANSI)
Protection class III/
Protection type:
IP44 (only rechargeable LED torch)
Production date: 08/2020
Warranty: 3 Years
5. Safety information
Risk of injury and suffoca-
tion! If children play with the
or the packaging, they may
injure themselves or suffocate!
- Do not let children play with the prod-
uct or the packaging.
- Supervise children who are close to the
- Keep the product and the packaging
out of reach of children.
Risk of injury!
Not suitable for children
under the age of 8! There is
a risk of injury!
- Children from the age of 8, as
well as people with impaired
physical, sensory or mental ca-
pabilities or with a lack of experience
and knowledge, must be supervised
when using the product and/or be in-
structed regarding the safe use of the
product and understand the resulting
- Children are not allowed to play with
the product.
- Maintenance and/or cleaning of the
product is not allowed to be performed
by children without supervision.
Observe national regulations!
- Observe the applicable national re-
quirements and regulations for the use
and disposal of the product.
Risk of injury!
Do not install the charging
station in an explosive
environment! Risk of injury!
- The product is not allowed to be used
in an explosive (Ex) environment. The
product is not approved for an environ-
ment, in which flammable liquids, gases
or dust are present.
Risk of glaring!
- Do not look directly into the LED
and do not direct the LED into oth-
er people’s eyes. This can impaired the
- This product may emit dangerous
optical radiation. Do not look di-
rectly into the light of the LED. This
may be harmful to your eyes.
Risk of injury!
A defective product is not allowed
to be used! There is a risk of
- Do not use the product in the case of
malfunctions, damage or defects.
- The LEDs are not replaceable. If the
LEDs are defective, the product must be
disposed of.
- Significant danger can occur for the
user in the case of improper repairs.
Risk of injury!
The product is not allowed
to be manipulated! There is
a risk of injury from electric
- The casing must not be opened and
the product must not be manipulated/
modified under any circumstances. Ma-
nipulations/modifications can cause
danger to life from electric shock. Ma-
nipulations/modifications are prohibit-
ed for approval reasons (CE).
- The product must not be covered up
during use.
5.2 Safety instructions
regarding rechargeable bat-
Fire and explosion hazard!
- Keep the product away from
heat sources and direct sun-
light: the battery may explode
if overheated. There is a risk of
- Do not operate the product in ist
packaging! There is a risk of fire!
Risk of injury!
Do not touch leaked
batteries with bare hands!
There is a risk of injury!
- Leaked or damaged batteries may
cause acid burns if they come into
contact with skin. Do not touch leaked
batteries with bare hands; therefore,
ensure that you wear appropriate pro-
tective gloves in such a case!
- This product has a built-in rechargea-
ble battery that cannot be replaced by
the user. In order to avoid hazards, the
battery may only be removed by the
manufacturer or ist service agent or by
a similarly qualified individual.
- When disposing of the product, please
note that this product contains a re-
chargeable battery.
6. Start-up
1. Remove all packaging materials.
2. Check whether all parts are available
and undamaged.
If this is not the case, notify the specified
service address.
6.1 Install charging station
Fatal danger!
Do not drill without checking
the intended position for
electrical, gas or water lines
first! Risk of fatal danger!
- Damage to electrical, gas or water
lines can cause dangerous situations!
Use appropriate detectors to determine
whether hidden lines are situated in the
work area.
- Only install the charging station 2 in
interior spaces.
1. Find an appropriate installation point
on the wall.
2. Fold down the bracket 7 so that the
bottom screw opening is accessible,
see Fig. B.
3. Install the charging station 2 with the
two screws 5 and the wall plugs, Ø 5
mm 6, as shown in .Fig. B
- If you mount the charging station 2 on
a wooden wall, no wall plugs are re-
Do not overtighten the screws 5!
6.2 Install charging adapter
1. Fold up the bracket 7.
2. Plug the charging adapter 3 into the
bracket 7.
3. Rotate the charging adapter 3 clock-
wise until it locks in.
6.3 Charge the battery (D)
The battery must be charged for 12 hours
before initial use.
Connect the charging adapter 3 to an
appropriate device using the micro-USB
cable 4. You can charge the battery e.g.
with a mains power adapter with a USB
port (not included). Please note the techni-
cal data (5 V , 500 mA). This product
can only be connected to an operating de-
vice with a SELV output and the maximum
working peak output voltage (Uout) being
5 V .
1. Plug the micro-USB plug 8 into the
socket 9 3 of the charging adapter .
2. Insert the USB plug 10 into the charg-
ing device.
3. Fold down the bracket 7.
Risk of injury from electric
- Only charge the product in inte-
rior spaces.
- If the product has become wet due to
use outdoors, you must dry othe prod-
uct using a dry cloth before charging.
Make sure that the contacts on the base
of the product are dry. There is a risk of
short circuit.
4. Plug the product 1 into the charging
adapter 3, this audibly clicks into
place. The charging process will start
automatically, if necessary.
The product 1 is fitted with a charging in-
dicator 12, see .Fig. E
- During the charging process, the
charge indicator 12 lights up red.
- Once the battery is fully charged, the
charge indicator 12 lights up green.
The battery is tted with an automatic
switch-off device. This switches o the
charging process with a 100 % charge,
so that the battery cannot be overcharged.
The product 1 is now ready to use.
6.4 Use
Switching the product on/off:
- Press the ON/OFF switch 11 until a
clear click can be heard, see Fig.
E. The product 1 switches to the 1st
mode, 100 % brightness, ON.
- Continuing to press the ON/OFF
switch 11, switches through the 3 other
operating modes:
50 % brightness / stroboscopic light
(attacker defence) / SOS signal.
- Pressing again switches the product 1
- If the mode has not been changed for
longer than one minute, the next press
of the ON/OFF switch 11 will switch it
- Irrespective of the mode, you can
switch off the product 1 by pressing
the ON/OFF switch 11 for approx. 2
The product 1 lights up automatically with
50 % brightness when it is removed from
the bracket 7.
As soon as it is reinserted into the bracket
7, the product will switch oautomat-1
The strobe light (attacker defence) only has
the purpose of briefly dazzling and confus-
ing a possible attacker.
Do not direct the strobe light
towards uninvolved persons! Risk
of injury!
Due to the extremely fast flash speed of the
strobe light, sight impairments could occur
under certain circumstances with children
or people who have a disorder (e.g. due
to psychological disorders).
Using the focus of the lamp unit (F):
The product 1 has a sliding focus function.
You can adjust the light beam continuous-
ly from a maximum scattering angle to the
smallest possible focusable point.
- Slide the lamp unit 13 forwards: The
focus will reduce continuously to the
smallest possible point, see .Fig. F
- Slide the lamp unit 13 backwards: the
focus is enlarged continuously up to the
maximum scattering angle.
The smaller the focused point, the higher
the luminosity of this surface.
6.5 Power failure light func-
When the product is inserted into the 1
bracket 7 and the power supply is created
for charging, the product 1 automatically
lights up as an power failure light with 50
% brightness in case of a power failure or
when removed from the bracket 7. Once
the power supply is restored or the product
is reinserted into the bracket 7, the product
1 will automatically switch off again.
- If the power supply continues to be in-
terrupted, the product 1 remains illumi-
nated until the battery is empty.
7. Cleaning and care in-
Risk of injury!
Before cleaning, you must
disconnect the USB plug 10
out of the charging device
(e.g. with a mains power adapter)
and switch off the product. There is
a risk of electric shock!
- only clean with a dry cloth
- do not use any strong detergents and/
or chemicals
- do not immerse in water
- store in a cool, dry place and protected
from UV light
8. Conformity declaration
This device complies with the
fundamental requirements and
other relevant regulations of the
European Electromagnetic Compatibility
Directive 2014/30/EU and the RoHS Di-
rective 2011/65/EU. The complete origi-
nal conformity declaration is available
from the importer.
9. Disposal
Disposal of the packaging
The packaging
and operating in-
structions are
made of 100 % environmentally friendly
materials, which you may dispose of at lo-
cal recycling centres.
Disposal of the product
The product may not be disposed
of with normal household waste.
Please find out about disposal op-
tions for the product from your local author-
ity or town administration.
Disposal of the battery / recharge-
able batterie
- Defective or used rechargeable
batteries have to be recycled in
accordance with Directive
2006/66/EC and its amendments.
- Batteries and disposable batteries are
not permitted to be disposed of with
household waste. They contain harmful
heavy metals. Marking: Pb (= lead), Hg
(= mercury), Cd (= cadmium). You are
legally obligated to return used batter-
ies and rechargeable batteries. After
use, you can either return batteries to
our point of sale or in the direct vicinity
(e.g. with a retailer or in municipal col-
lection centres) free of charge. Batteries
and rechargeable batteries are marked
with a crossed-out waste bin.
10. Warranty
Warranty from TRADIX GmbH & Co. KG
Dear customer, the warranty on this prod-
uct is 3 years from the purchase date. In
the event of defects in this product, you are
entitled to exercise your statutory rights
against the seller of the product. These stat-
utory rights are not limited by our warranty
described in the following.
11. Warranty conditions
The warranty begins on the date of pur-
chase. Please keep the original receipt.
This document is required as verification of
the purchase.
If a material or manufacturing defect aris-
es within three years from the purchase
date of this product, the product will be
repaired or replaced, as per our choice,
at no charge to you. This warranty service
requires the submission of the purchase
receipt and the defective product within
the three-year period and a short written
description of the defect and when it arose.
If the defect is covered by our warranty,
the repaired or a new product will be re-
turned to you. The warranty period does
not restart with the repair or replacement
of the product.
Guarantee period and statutory
claims for defects
The guarantee period will not be extended
by the warranty. This also applies to re-
placed and repaired parts. Damage and
defects which may possibly already exist
upon purchase must be reported immedi-
ately after unpacking. After the guarantee
period has expired, required repairs shall
be subject to a charge.
Scope of guarantee
The device has been carefully produced
under strict quality guidelines and con-
scientiously inspected prior to delivery. The
guarantee service applies to material or
manufacturing faults. This guarantee does
not extend to product parts, which are ex-
posed to normal wear and tear and can
therefore be regarded as wearing parts or
to damage to fragile parts, e.g. switches,
battery packs or which are made of glass.
This guarantee shall lapse, if the product is
damages, not used properly or maintained
properly. For proper use of the product,
all of the instructions in the operating in-
structions must be precisely complied with.
Purposes and actions, which are dissuad-
ed from or warned about in the operating
instructions must be avoided.
The product is only intended for private
and not commercial use. In the case of
abusive and improper handling, use of
force and with interventions, which are
not performed by our authorised service
branch, the guarantee shall lapse.
Processing in the case of a guaran-
tee claim.
To ensure quick processing of your con-
cern, please follow the instructions below:
- Please have the till receipt and ar-
ticle number available (e.g. IAN
354982_2004) as proof of the pur-
- You can find the article number on the
rating plate on the product, as an en-
graving on the product, the title place
of your instructions (bottom left) or the
sticker on the back or underside of the
- If malfunctions or other defects occur,
first contact the service department be-
low by telephone or e-mail.
- You can then send a product that has
been recorded as being defective,
including the proof of purchase (till
receipt) and stating what the defect is
and when it occurred, postage-free to
the service address provided to you.
On, you can down-
load these an many other manuals, prod-
uct videos and installation software.
With this QR code, you can
directly reach the Lidl Ser-
vice website ( and can open
your operating instructions
be entering the article num-
ber (IAN)354982_2004.
2 4
3 6
3 3
2 2
Ø 5 mm
10 9

Produkt Specifikationer

Mærke: Livarno Lux
Kategori: Ikke kategoriseret
Model: IAN 354982

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