Olight SRMÍNI II Intimidator Manual

Olight Lommelygte SRMÍNI II Intimidator

Læs nedenfor 📖 manual på dansk for Olight SRMÍNI II Intimidator (1 sider) i kategorien Lommelygte. Denne guide var nyttig for 12 personer og blev bedømt med 4.5 stjerner i gennemsnit af 2 brugere

Side 1/1
Firstly, slide the USB port cover aside, then connect the flashlight to external
USB power supply, the status indicator turn on means charging is in process.
Thank you for purchasing Olight products! Please read this manual
carefully before use.
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for repair or replacement.
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This warranty does not cover normal wear and year,modifications, misuse,
disintegrations,negligence, accidents, improper maintenance, or repair by
anyone other than an Authorized retailer or Olight itself.
NOTE: One of t he f ol lowing o utpu t mo de s low, med ium, h ig h, w il l be
memo ri ze d when the l ig ht shu tt ing off. Th e flashl ig ht w il l no t
memo ri ze the low mod e wh en t he l ig ht is acti va te d to l ow m ode
dir ectly b ef or e it is tur ne d of f. For high mod e, the l ig ht will only
memo ri ze high mode f or 1 0 mi nute s when the l ig ht i s of f, after 10
minute s th e memori ze d mo de w il l switch to me di um m ode.
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Website: www.olightworld.com
1,600 lumens / 3 hours
600 lumens / 8 hours
120 lumens / 36 hours
3xCree XM-L2 CW
2.8 to 6v
268 meters
3 x 18650 (with protecting circuit board)
Type hard anodized aluminum
L 132mm x D 47.5mm / 5.2in x 1.9in
Quick click the side switch to turn the flashlight on or off. The light will turn to
the last output mode before shutting off.
With the light on, press and hold the side switch, the output will cycle through
low, medium, and high brightness levels. Release the side switch when the
desired brightness level is achieved.
With light off, press and hold the side switch for more than 1 second, the low
mode will be activated.
Double- click the side switch to activate turbo mode if the light is in non-
locking state.
When the light is in non-lock state, Triple-click side switch to activate strobe
mode. Click the side switch once to quit strobe mode, press and hold side
switch to turn on the setting of changing brightness level.
With the light off, press the side switch and hold for 1 second to activate low
mode, keep holding the switch for one more second, the light will shut off
automatically and lock the side switch. Under lock state, click and release the
switch, the red indicator will last for 2 seconds.
When the light is off, press and hold side switch for more than 2 seconds, the
switch is enable and activate low mode. User may twist the tail cap anti-
clockwise to turn off the light, tighten the tail cap clockwise to unlock the
There is a multi-purpose status indicator lamp at the upside of the USB
charging port to indicate the battery low voltage or charging state:
Battery low voltage indication: When the battery voltage is less than 3.25V,
the status indicator lamp will flicker in red; when the battery voltage is less
than 3.05V, the status indicator lamp will be a constant red.
Charging state indication: red means under charging; green means fully
3,200 lumens
Al l per fo rman ce cla im to ANS I/ NE MA FL1 -2009 stand ar d
Made in China
Operate Voltage
Beam Distance
Supported Batteries
Impact Resistance
181g / 6.4oz (excluding batteries)
1.5 meters
Flashlight, holster, USB cable, user manual (this manual), and other optional
accessories( refer to the label marks outside of box for detail)
3 x 18650 rechargeable lithium batteries with protecting circuit board , the
batteries must have a protruding button on positive pole.
Not e: Tes t s p e rf or me d w it h 3x 18 650 b at te ri e s ( 34 0 0m Ah , 3. 6v )
Before use, install the batteries and notice that the battery positive towards
the flashlight head, then tightly screw the tail- cap as shown below.
Do not mix re char ge a bl e a nd non- re char ge able b at teri es.
Do not mix batt erie s of d if fere nt types/bra nd s.
Pr operly in st al l t he batte ri es , the po si tive o f batte ry to wards t he h ea d of
the flashli ght, t hree batt erie s are in sam e dir ecti on.
Th e produ ct o nl y sup po rt th e b at te ri es w it h protr udin g but to n o n t he
po si tive a nd with pro te ct in g circu it bo ar d, rec ommend to use the batt ery
ce ll c ap ac it y o f 18650 with 3 00 0m Ah or a bo ve.
Lo w bat tery pro tect ion: if t he b at tery vol tage dro p down t o 2 .7 V, t he
fl ashl ight w ill n ot tu rn o n, t he in dicato r wil l e mi t r ed col or wh en the swit ch
is pre ssed .
Us e cau tion for l ong runt imes a t h igh l ev el and tu rbo a s flash li gh t may g et
Th re e bat teri es are pa rallel ly con ne ct ed in si de t he fl ashlig ht , eit he r 1 o r 2
or 3 bat te ries ar e able to tur n t he flash ligh t o n,it is bet te r n ot to u se Turbo
wh en u si ng 1 or 2 ba tter ies, i t m ay cause to sudde nly shu t dow n due t o
batt er y pro tect ion.
Pl ease c hoos e 5V 2 .1 A USB po we r supply or h ig her rate power su pply to
ch arge the f la sh light .
S ide switch
Charge indicator /
Low voltage indicator
Charging Port

Produkt Specifikationer

Mærke: Olight
Kategori: Lommelygte
Model: SRMÍNI II Intimidator

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