Philips Avent SCF153 Manual

Læs nedenfor 📖 manual på dansk for Philips Avent SCF153 (2 sider) i kategorien Ikke kategoriseret. Denne guide var nyttig for 15 personer og blev bedømt med 4.5 stjerner i gennemsnit af 2 brugere

Side 1/2
Intended use The Philips Avent Nipple Shield is intended
to cover and protect the nipples of lactating women
to support breastfeeding. The device is intended for
a single user.
Indications for use The Philips Avent Nipple Shield is
indicated for use when the mother has sore, sensitive,
cracked nipples or suers from nipple pain. It is also
indicated to help the baby develop better latch-on
behavior in case of oral anomalies or when the mother
has at/inverted nipples. Moreover, it can be used to
alleviate milk supply diculties when the baby is not
transferring the milk well, has an uncommon sucking
technique (i.e. weak sucking, small/preterm babies) or to
help the baby in coping with milk ow.
Contraindications There are no contraindications.
Side eects When using the device, undesirable side eects
that may occur are mastitis, cessation of breastfeeding,
infant thrush and poor infant weight gain. If you or your
baby experience any of these symptoms, contact a
healthcare professional or breastfeeding specialist.
Important safety information
Read this important information carefully before you use
the product and save it for future reference.
Warning to avoid choking and swallowing
-Never leave the nipple shield and the hygiene case
unattended and keep out of reach of children.
-Inspect before each use. Throw away at the rst signs
of damage or weakness or after 2 months of usage.
Warning to avoid contamination and to ensure hygiene
-Follow the instructions described in the Cleaning and
Disinfection sections.
-Use the product only in case of breastfeeding
problems as described in the Indications For Use.
-Recommended to be used with advice from health
care professional. If problems or pain occur, consult
your lactation consultant or physician.
-An electronic copy of these instructions can be found
at .
-Any serious incident that has occurred in relation to
this device should be reported to Philips via and to the competent
authority of the Member State in which the user and/
or patient is established.
Before usage
Step 1 - Cleaning
Do not use abrasive cleaning agents or aggressive
chemicals or substances when you clean the nipple
shield. Clean the nipple shield and hygiene case before
rst use and immediately after each use.
Manual cleaning
1 Rinse with drinking-quality water for 10-15 seconds.
2 Wash in warm, drinking-quality water (approx. 35 °C)
with washing-up liquid, preferably without articial
fragrances or coloring.
3 Rinse with drinking-quality water for 10-15 seconds.
4 Dry with a clean cloth or leave to dry on a clean surface.
Dishwasher cleaning
1 Place on top rack of the dishwasher.
2 Run standard program with common household
dishwasher detergent.
3 If not fully dry after dishwasher program, dry with a
clean cloth or leave to dry on a clean surface.
Step 2 - Disinfection
Disinfect before rst use and at least once a day.
Clean before disinfection.
Be careful: After disinfection, the nipple shields may be
very hot. The hygiene case and the water remaining in
the case may still be hot. To prevent burns, only use
after cooling down for 5 minutes.
Warnings to avoid contamination and to ensure
If you use the hygiene case for disinfection:
-Clean the case before rst use.
-Use the correct water level, microwave power and
time. Not doing so can lead to reduced disinfection
and can damage the case or nipple shields.
-Only use the case provided.
1 Clean as described under ‚Cleaning‘.
2 Boil the nipple shields in drinking-quality water for
5 minutes.
3 Leave to dry on a clean surface.
Microwave Alternatively, use only the hygiene case
provided according to the instructions below.
1 Clean the hygiene case (as described under ‚Cleaning‘).
2 Add 25 ml of drinking-quality water to the case, up to
the indicated line (Fig. 1).
3 Place the nipple shield(s) in the hygiene case and
securely close the lid (Fig. 2).
4 Place the lled hygiene case in the microwave for
3 minutes at 750-1000 W (Fig. 3).
5 Let the hygiene case cool down for 5 minutes (Fig.4).
6 Drain water from the hygiene case (Fig.5).
7 Dry the nipple shield(s) with a clean cloth or leave to
dry on a clean surface.
Wash your hands and breasts thoroughly with soap and
water before you touch the nipple shields to prevent
Applying the product Follow the instructions below
when placing the device on your breast:
1 Remove the cleaned and disinfected nipple shield
from the hygiene case.
2 Place drinking-quality water or breast milk on the
skin-facing side of the brim to help the shield stick to
your skin (Fig. 6).
3 Hold the shield at the base of the nipple area and
press the nipple cavity partially inside out, so that it
becomes half way inverted (Fig. 7).
4 Rotate the shield so that the baby can have nose and
chin contact with your breast skin (Fig. 8).
5 Center the shield over your nipple and slightly stretch
the wings of the shield as you stick the product onto
your breast (Fig. 9).
6 With the shield applied, you can now breastfeed
as normal.
Storing Store the clean nipple shield(s) in the hygiene
case or in a dry, clean container. Storing the nipple
shield(s) in an unclean or wet container could cause
Disposal According to local regulations.
Explanation of symbols
The warning signs and symbols are essential to ensure
that you use this product safely and correctly and to
protect you and others from injury. Below you nd the
meaning of the warning signs and symbols on the label
and in the user manual.
This symbol indicates that the device
complies with European Medical Device
Directive 93/42/EEC requirements.
This symbol indicates the hygiene case is
microwave compatible.
This symbol indicates to ll the hygiene case
with water.
This symbol indicates to wait 5 minutes before
taking the hygiene case out of the microwave.
The 5 inside this symbol is the recycling code
used to identify the material from which the
hygiene case is made, which is polypropylene
(PP), to facilitate recycling or other reprocessing.
The Green Dot ('Der Grüne Punkt' in German)
is the license symbol of a European network
of industry-funded systems for recycling the
packaging materials of consumer goods.
Technical specications
-Product type: Two type nipple shield size:
Small 15 mm; Medium: 21 mm.
-Materials: Silicone (nipple shield);
Polypropylene (hygiene case)
-Service life: 2 months
Tilsigtet brug Philips Avent-Sutteskjold er beregnet til at
dække og beskytte brystvorterne på ammende kvinder
for at gøre amningen lettere. Apparatet er kun beregnet
til én bruger.
Indikationer for brug Philips Avent-Sutteskjold er velegnet,
hvis moderen har ømme, følsomme, revnede brystvorter
eller smerter i brystvorterne. Den hjælper også barnet med
at udvikle en bedre teknik til at få fat i brystet i tilfælde af
orale anomalier, eller hvis moderen har ade/omvendte
brystvorter. Desuden kan produktet bruges til at afhjælpe
problemer med mælkeforsyningen, hvis barnet ikke overfører
mælken eektivt eller har en udsædvanlig sutteteknik
(svag suttereeks, små/for tidligt fødte babyer), eller det
kan hjælpe barnet med at håndtere mælketilstrømningen.
Kontraindikationer Der er ingen kontraindikationer.
Bivirkninger Ved brug af enheden kannskede bivirkninger
være brystbetændelse, ophør af amning, svamp i barnets
mundhule og ringe vægtøgning hos barnet. Hvis du eller
dit barn oplever et eller ere af disse symptomer, skal du
kontakte sundhedspersonale eller en ammerådgiver.
Vigtige sikkerhedsoplysninger
Læs disse vigtige oplysninger omhyggeligt igennem,
inden produktet tages i brug, og gem dem til eventuel
senere brug.
Advarsel til forebyggelse af kvælning og slugning
-Sutteskjoldene og hygiejneetuiet må aldrig efterlades
uden opsyn, og skal opbevares uden for børns
-Skal undersøges før hver brug. Skal bortskaes, straks
der optræder tegn på skader eller svaghed eller efter
2 måneders brug.
Advarsel til forebyggelse af kontaminering og til
beskyttelse af hygiejnen
-Følg instruktionerne i afsnittene Rengøring og
-Brug kun produktet i forbindelse med problemer med
amning som beskrevet i Indikationer for brug.
-Det anbefales af bruge produktet ud fra anvisninger
fra sundhedspersonale. Hvis der opstår problemer
eller smerter, skal du kontakte en ekspert i amning
eller en læge.
-En elektronisk kopi af disse instruktioner ndes på
-Enhver alvorlig hændelse, der er opstået i forbindelse
med denne enhed, skal rapporteres til Philips via og til de relevante
myndigheder i det land, hvor brugeren og/eller
patienten er bosiddende.
750 – 1000W
3 min.
25 ml/
0.9 .oz
5 mi n.
Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV
Tussendiepen 4, 9206 AD Drachten,
The Netherlands
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V.
© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V.
All rights reserved.
3000.038.9741.1 (10/10/2019)
Nipple shield

Produkt Specifikationer

Mærke: Philips
Kategori: Ikke kategoriseret
Model: Avent SCF153

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