Uniden UH15-3 Manual
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UHF CB Transceiver SeriesUNIDEN UH15
CTCSS Codes 01 - 38
1 67
28 38
10 20 30
Uniden does not represent this product to be waterproof.
Do not expose this product to Rain or Moisture.
User License Information
The citizen band radio service is licenced in Australia by ACMA
Radio-communications (Citizen Band Radio Stations) Class
Licence and in New Zealand by MBIE General User Licence
for Citizen Band Radio and operation is subject to conditions
contained in those licenses.
Always listen on a channel (or observe the receive signal level
meter) to ensure it is not already being used before transmitting.
Channels 5 and 35 are used for emergency channels.
CTCSS will not operate on these channels.
Please follow these guidelines for channel use in Australia:
• Channels 05 and 35 are Emergency Channels.
• Channel 11 is a Calling Channel.
• Channels 22 and 23 are for telemetry and telecommand
applications, channels 61, 62 and 63 are for future use and TX is
inhibited on these channels.
General communication is accepted on all other channels
with these guidelines:
• Channel 40 - road channel (Australia).
• Channels 01-08 (and 31-38), and Channels 41-48
(and 71-78) are repeater channels.
Important information - 80 Channel UHF-CB channel expansion
To provide all users additional channel capacity within the UHF-CB
Band. The ACMA will change the majority of the current wideband 40
channel use to narrowband channel use. This allows for additional
channels to be added, up to 80 Channels.
Thi imply meanss s tha he new narrowbandt t radio ou have y purchased
will ha e more v channels t . P shan older radios lea e refer to t she guideline
above and he hannel t c char or urt f f ther hannel in c forma iont .
A list of currently authorised channels can also be obtained from the
ACMA website in Australia and the MBIE website in New Zealand.
Interference / Poor Audio
When a new narrowband radio receives a signal from an older
wideband radio the speech may sound loud.
Narrowband radios operating on CH41 - CH80 may encounter
interference from a nearby wideband radios transmitting on high
power on an adjacent channel (frequency).
When an older wideband radio receives a signal from a new
narrowband radio the speech may sound quiet - the wideband radio
user simply adjusts their radio volume for best performance.
T ve it t he abo s ua ions are not a fault o f the radio but a t o symp om f mixed
wideband and narrowband radios in current use is . It expected that as
older wideband radios are pha ed s ou his ist t sue will be elimina edt .
Key Lock ON/OFF
1. To lock the key pad:
Press and hold until the key lock indicator appears.
2. To unlock the key pad:
Press and hold until the key lock indicator disppears.
Key Beep ON/OFF
Press and hold the button while turning the radio ON to DOWN
switch the keypad tone ON or OFF.
Roger Beep ON/OFF
Press and hold the button while turning the radio ON to turn UP
Roger Beep ON or OFF.
1. P . ‘r P’ setting flashes.ress MENU seven times
2. Press UP toor DOWN c t c thange he hange he ing ON sett or OFF.
3. Press PTT to ave. s
Eg. us CH01 is being ed in your area or repea er f t use.
Operation With the Aid of a Repeater
NOTE: You can only activate Duplex on Channels 01-08 and
41-48. When Duplex is ON for a repeater channel, the display
shows r1-r8 for Channels 01-08 and n1-n8 for Channels 41-48.
To Operate in Duplex Mode (Repeater Mode)
The Duplex function enables you to access local repeater
stations. UHF CB Repeaters are used to retransmit or relay your
signal. Repeaters will extend the range of your radio and
overcome the shielding effect caused by solid obstructions.
Dual (Channel) Watch
You can monitor a second channel along with the current
channel with this setting.
1. Press five times. ‘CH’ appears on the display. MENU
The second channel to monitor will flash. (OF, 01 - 80)
If the setting is OF, then Dual Watch is disabled.
2. Press or to set the 2nd channel to monitor.UP DOWN
3. Press to save the setting and dual watch will be enabled. PTT
The second channel will be monitored intermittently.
3 = High Sensitivity (for noisy areas)
2 = Medium Sensitivity
1 = Low Sensitivity (for quieter areas)
oF = Turn Off VOX function
Voice Operated Transmission (VOX)
Transmission is initiated by speaking into the microphone of the
radio instead of pushing the PTT button. To activate VOX:
1. Press four times. appears on the display. MENU
The current setting (oF, 1-3) will flash.
2. Press and button to select the sensitivity level.UP DOWN
3. Press to set the new setting.PTT
Setting and Transmitting Call Tones
Your radio can transmit different call tones (wake-up tone) to
other radios in your group so you can alert them that you want to
talk. To set a call tone:
1. Press the three times. ‘CA’ appears on the display. MENU
The current call tone setting flashes.
2. Press or to change and hear the next call tone.UP DOWN
There are 10 call tones to choose from (1-10)
Set the call tone to 0 to disable the call tone feature.NOTE:
3. Press to set the new call tone. PTT
Press to transmit the call tone.CALL
NOTE: Current regulations require calling tones to be restricted
to one transmission per minute. If a second transmission is
attempted within one minute then an error tone will sound.
Scan Advance
If the radio stops scanning on a channel you do not want to listen
to, briefly press and release or to resume scanning UP DOWN
for the next active channel.
Scanning Channels
Use scanning to monitor channels for transmissions or to find
someone in your group who has accidentally changed channels.
To start scanning:
1. Press and release . The indicator displays. SCAN
2. Press and release again to disable scanning. SCAN
The indicator disappears.
When the radio detects channel activity, it stops scanning and
you can hear the transmission. To respond to the transmission,
press within 5 seconds,the channel will be confirmed.PTT
CTCSS (Privacy) Codes
CTCSS is a feature that allows a group to talk to each other
without hearing other users on the same channel. The radios in
your group must be set to the same CTCSS code. There are 38
codes to choose from. You can set a different code for each
channel using this procedure.
1. Set a desired channel to use CTCSS on (example CH 01).
2. Press two times. The code number flashes.MENU
3. Press or to select a code from 01 to 38.UP DOWN
Example shows Channel 01
with a CTCSS code of 38.
Set to 00 to disable the feature.
4. Press to save the code setting.PTT
NOTE: Set the CTCSS Code to 00 if you want to communicate
with another radio which is not using CTCSS.
Push to Talk Timeout Timer
To prevent accidental transmissions and save battery life, the
radio emits a continuous warning tone and stops transmitting if
you press for 60 continuous seconds.PTT
Checking the Channel Before Transmitting
For uninterrupted communication, do not talk on a channel if
someone else is currently talking on it.
To check for activity on a channel before you talk, press and
hold . If you hear static, the channel is clear to use.MON
For maximum range and extended the life of the
batteries, with your avoid touching the antenna
hand when transmitting.
Talking and Listening
To communicate, all radios in your group must be set to the
same Channel (and the same CTCSS Code if it is set).
To talk, press and hold . The transmit power is 0.5 Watt.PTT
Hold the radio 5 to 7 cm away from your mouth when speaking.
When you are finished speaking, release to listen.PTT
1 = High receive Sensitivity (weak signal area)
2~5 = Medium receive Sensitivity
6 = Low receive Sensitivity (strong signal area)
Setting the SQUELCH Level 1-6
The squelch mutes the speaker audio unless a strong enough
signal is present. The level is preset to a medium setting and can
be adjusted if needed.
1. Press six times. MENU
‘SL’ appears on the display.
The current setting (1-6) will flash.
2. Press or to select the receive sensitivity level.UP DOWN
Setting a Channel
The UH15 uses the UHF-CB channels (CH01-CH80). See UHF
CHANNELS & FREQUENCIES, page 12 for channel usage.
1. Press one time. The current channel flashes.MENU
2. Press or button to select a desired channel.UP DOWN
3. Press to confirm and save the channel setting.PTT
Open the MENU - Press MENU
Step through MENU - Press againMENU
Exit the MENU - Press PTT
One CHANNEL setting
Two CTCSS Code setting
Three Call Tone setting
Four VOX setting
Five Dual Watch (2nd Channel) setting
Six Squelch Level setting
Seven Duplex Mode (Repeater) setting
Ex. lowest
Ex. highest
Setting the Volume
Press the button to increase the speaker volume.UP
Press the button to decrease the speaker volume.DOWN
The speaker volume setting is indicated by ‘UL’.
The volume level range is from 1 (minimum) to 16 (maximum).
Turning Your Radio On and Off
Press and hold to turn the radio On or Off.
When turning on, the radio chirps and the display briefly shows
all the display icons before showing the current standby mode of
your radio.
Back Light
The UH15 has an automatic display back light which remains on
for 3 seconds after a key press (all keys except key). The PTT
back light will work even if the keypad is locked but will not work
during low battery alert mode.
Power Save
Your UH15 Series has a unique circuit designed to dramatically
extend the life of the batteries. If there is no transmission nor an
incoming call within 5 seconds, your Radio switches to the
Power Save mode. The Radio is still able to receive transmis-
sions in this mode.
Low Battery Alert
If the battery level becomes low, the unit will go into a Battery
Low Mode. The Transmit Mode is disabled. Replace Alkaline
batteries immediately, or recharge NiMH rechargeable batteries
immediately to continue using the radio.
Do not charge alkaline or non rechargeable batteries.
Plug the DC end of the DC/USB charge cable into the radio’s DC
charge port, and the USB end to a standard USB charge port, or
USB port of an AC adaptor (not included). Plug the AC adaptor into
the wall outlet.
• Before operating the radio, charge the rechargeable batteries
for 16 hours without interruption.
• Do not transmit when the radio is charging.
Charging Rechargeable Batteries
Belt Clip
To attach:
Slide the belt clip down into the catch until it snaps into place.
To remove:
Pinch and hold belt clip latch and slide the belt clip up.
Battery bars indicate the battery level . When the battery
meter shows 1 bar, the device goes into low battery mode and
indicates low battery in the form of an alert tone.
- Remove the batteries from the radio for storage
- Batteries may corrode over time and cause
permanent damage to your devices.
- Do not mix and use old/new/alkaline/NiMH batteries.
- Only charge NiMH rechargeable batteries.
- Charge rechargeable NiMH batteries once every
3 months when not in use.
Radio Battery Meter
3. Replace the battery cover and press down to secure.
2. Install 3 AA Alkaline batteries or 3 AA NiMH rechargeable
batteries as shown on the inside of the battery compartment.
1. With the back of the radio facing you, locate the latch to
release the battery cover and remove the cover.
Your radio requires 3 AA Alkaline batteries or 3 AA NiMH
Rechargeable batteries (not supplied).
Installing Batteries
Battery Level
Key Lock is on Roger Beep is on
Scan is on
TX/RX IconVOX is on
CTCSS Code for
current Channel
Channel Number
* Requires 3 AA rechargeable batteries to use this feature.
NiMH rechargeable batteries are recommended.
PTT (Push-to-Talk)
/Exit from MENU
3 UP
Power On/Off
8CALL Call tone
MON Monitor
10 Microphone
5Accessary Port
DC Charging Port*
6Display Screen
Key Lock
Display Icons: See page 2
Included in your Package
• UH15 Series Radio
• Operating Guide
• Belt Clips
• DC/USB charge cable*
For more exciting new products please visit our website:
Australia: www.uniden.com.au
UH15 Series
UHF CB Transceiver
Produkt Specifikationer
Mærke: | Uniden |
Kategori: | Radio |
Model: | UH15-3 |
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