Farberware FCP412 Manual

Læs nedenfor 📖 manual på dansk for Farberware FCP412 (2 sider) i kategorien Koffiezetapparaat. Denne guide var nyttig for 16 personer og blev bedømt med 4.5 stjerner i gennemsnit af 2 brugere

Side 1/2
Please Read and Save this Use and Care Book.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions
should always be followed, including the following:
Read all instructions.
Do not touch hot surfaces. Use handles or knobs.
To protect against fire, electric shock and injury to persons
do not immerse cord, plugs or appliance in water or other
Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by
or near children.
Unplug from outlet when not in use and before cleaning.
Allow to cool before putting on or taking off parts, and
before cleaning the appliance.
Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug,
or after the appliance malfunctions or has been damaged
in any manner. Return appliance to the nearest authorized
service facility for examination, repair or adjustment.
The use of accessory attachments not recommended by the
appliance manufacturer may result in fire, electric shock or
injury to persons.
Do not use outdoors.
Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter, or touch
hot surfaces.
Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner, or in a
heated oven.
To disconnect, turn any control to OFF, then remove plug
from wall outlet.
The cover must remain on when this appliance is in use.
Do not use this appliance for other than intended use.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including
children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless
they have been given supervision or instruction concerning
use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play
with the appliance.
Scalding may occur if the lid is removed during the brewing
This product is for household use only.
As a safety feature, this product is equipped with a grounded plug, which will
only fit into a three-prong outlet. Do not attempt to defeat this safety feature.
Improper connection of the grounding conductor may result in the risk of
electric shock. Consult a qualified electrician if you are in doubt as to whether
the outlet is properly grounded.
a) A short power-supply cord (or detachable power-supply cord) is to be
provided to reduce the risk resulting from becoming entangled in or tripping
over a longer cord.
b) Longer detachable power-supply cords or extension cords are available and
may be used if care is exercised in their use.
c) If a long detachable power-supply cord or extension cord is used,
1) The marked electrical rating of the detachable power-supply cord or
extension cord should be at least as great as the electrical rating of the
2) If the appliance is of the grounded type, the extension cord should be a
grounding-type 3-wire cord, and
3) The longer cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the
countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped
Note: If the power supply cord is damaged, it should be replaced by qualified
personnel; in Latin America, by an authorized service center.
How to Use
This product is for household use only.
Remove all plastic and paper from the box.
Remove and save Use and Care manual.
Register your warranty at www.prodprotect.com/applica.
1. Wash the percolator thoroughly before using for the first time as instructed in
Care and Cleaning section.
2. Remove cover, basket, spreader and pump tube. Use cold, fresh tap water to
fill percolator. Fill according to markings on inside of percolator for number
of cups desired.
Note: The bottom of the pump tube spring marks the maximum capacity of the
3. Wet coffee basket to help keep small coffee particles from sifting through.
Place basket on pump tube. Add desired amount of regular or percolator
grind coffee to basket.
Product may vary slightly from what is illustrated.
El producto puede variar ligeramente de lo que aparece ilustrado.
Le produit peut différer légèrement de celui qui est illustré.
Stainless steel percolators
Cafeteras de ltro de acero inoxidable
Percolateur en acier inoxydable
USA 1-800-231-9786
Accessories/Parts (USA)
México 01-800 714-2503
Accesorios/Partes (EE.UU)
Canada 1-800-231-9786
1 cup brewed coffee = 5 fluid ounces
1 standard coffee measure = 2 level tablespoons
4. Place pump tube with basket into percolator so bottom of tube is set into
center well. Place spreader on top of basket and snap cover onto percolator.
Attach cord securely to percolator and plug into standard household 120 volt
AC wall outlet. Brewing begins within seconds and continues at a cup-a-
minute speed.
5. When coffee brewing is complete, percolating will stop. The percolator
automatically switches to “KEEP WARMsetting to preserve fresh-tasting
coffee at hot, ready-to-serve temperature. For best flavor, remove coffee
basket, spreader and pump tube when brewing is completed.
Note: “KEEP WARM” function continues operating until you unplug percolator.
Care and Cleaning
This product contains no user serviceable parts. Refer service to qualified
service personnel.
After Each Use: Always make sure plug is first removed from wall outlet, then
remove cord from Percolator. Let percolator cool. Remove coffee basket,
spreader and pump tube carefully grounds and remaining coffee may still
be warm.
Wash percolator with water and detergent.
The cover, basket, spreader, and pump tube (with spring) may be placed in
the dishwasher.
Rinse all parts thoroughly and dry. Store with cover off.
Make sure the Washer at bottom of Pump Tube remains loose.
If coffee grounds lodge in this area, remove them by running under water or
dislodging with a wooden pick.
After Repeated Use: Remove accumulation of oil and coffee stains that may
cause a bitter taste with a food and beverage stain remover available at
grocery and hardware stores.
Por favor lea este instructivo antes de usar el producto.
Cuando se usan aparatos eléctricos, siempre se deben respetar
las siguientes medidas básicas de seguridad:
Por favor lea todas las instrucciones.
No toque las superficies calientes. Use las asas o las
A fin de protegerse contra un choque eléctrico y lesiones a
las personas, no sumerja el cable, los enchufes ni el aparato
en agua ni en ningún otro líquido.
Todo aparato eléctrico usado en la presencia de los niños o
por ellos mismos requiere la supervisión de un adulto.
Desconecte el aparato de la toma de corriente cuando no
esté en uso y antes de limpiarlo. Espere que el aparato
se enfríe antes de instalarle o retirarle piezas y antes de
No use ningún aparato eléctrico que tenga el cable
o el enchufe averiado, que presente un problema de
funcionamiento o que esté dañado. Acuda a un centro de
servicio autorizado para que lo examinen, reparen o ajusten
o llame gratis al número correspondiente en la cubierta de
este manual.
El uso de accesorios no recomendados por el fabricante del
aparato puede ocasionar incendio, choque eléctrico
o lesiones a las personas.
No use este aparato a la intemperie.
No permita que el cable cuelgue del borde de la mesa
o del mostrador ni que entre en contacto con las superficies
No coloque el aparato sobre ni cerca de las hornillas de gas
o eléctricas ni adentro de un horno caliente.
Siempre conecte primero el cable al aparato y después,
enchúfelo a la toma de corriente. Para desconectar, ajuste
todo control a la posición de apagado (OFF) y después,
retire el enchufe del tomacorriente.
La tapa debe permanecer sobre la jarra cuando el aparato
está en uso.
Este aparato se debe usar únicamente con el fin previsto.
Este aparato no está diseñado para ser usado por personas
(incluído niños) con capacidad limitada física, mental
o sensoriales disminuidas y falta de experiencia o
conocimiento que les impida utilizar el aparato con toda
seguridad sin supervisión o instrucción.
Se debe asegurar la supervisión de los niños para evitar que
usen el aparato como juguete.
Si se retira la tapa durante los ciclos de colado, esto puede
resultar en quemaduras.
Este aparato eléctrico es para uso doméstico solamente.
Como medida de seguridad, este producto cuenta con un enchufe de tierra que
tiene tres contactos. No trate de alterar esta medida de seguridad. La conexión
inapropiada del conductor de tierra puede resultar en un riesgo de choque
eléctrico. Si tiene alguna duda, consulte con un electricista calificado para
asegurarse de que el tomacorriente sea una de tierra.
a) El producto se debe de proporcionar con un cable eléctrico corto (o uno
separable), a fin de reducir el riesgo de tropezar o de enredarse en un cable
más largo.
b) Existen cables eléctricos más largos y separables o cables de extensión que
uno puede utilizar si toma el cuidado debido.
c) Si se utiliza un cable separable o de extensión,
1) El gimen nominal del cable separable o del cable de extensión debe
ser, como mínimo, igual al del régimen nominal del aparato.
2) Si el aparato es de conexión a tierra, el cable de extensión debe ser un
cable de tres alambres de conexión a tierra.
3) Uno debe de acomodar el cable más largo de manera que no cuelgue
del mostrador o de la mesa, para evitar que un niño tire del mismo o que
alguien se tropiece.
Nota: Si el cordón de alimentación esta dañado, en América Latina debe
sustituirse por personal calificado o por el centro de servicio autorizado.
For service, repair or any questions regarding your
appliance, call the appropriate 800 number on cover
of this book. Please DO NOT return the product to the
place of purchase. Also, please DO NOT mail product
back to manufacturer, nor bring it to a service center.
You may also want to consult the website listed on the
cover of this manual.
(Applies only in the United States and Canada)
What does it cover?
Any defect in material or workmanship provided;
however, Spectrum Brands, Inc.’s liability will not
exceed the purchase price of product.
For how long?
Two years from the date of original purchase with
proof of such purchase.
What will we do to help you?
Provide you with a reasonably similar replacement
product that is either new or factory refurbished.
How do you get service?
Save your receipt as proof of date of sale.
Check our on-line service site at www.prodprotect.
com/applica, or call our toll-free number,
1-800-231-9786, for general warranty service.
If you need parts or accessories, please call
What does your warranty not cover?
Damage from commercial use
Damage from misuse, abuse or neglect
Products that have been modified in any way
Products used or serviced outside the country of
Glass parts and other accessory items that are
packed with the unit
Shipping and handling costs associated with the
replacement of the unit
Consequential or incidental damages (Please note,
however, that some states do not allow the exclusion
or limitation of consequential or incidental damages,
so this limitation may not apply to you.)
How does state law relate to this warranty?
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you
may also have other rights that vary from state to
state or province to province.
Pour communiquer avec les services d’entretien ou
de paration, ou pour adresser toute question relative
au produit, composer le numéro sans frais approprié
indiqué sur la page couverture. Ne pas retourner le
produit où il a éacheté. Ne pas poster le produit au
fabricant ni le porter dans un centre de service. On peut
également consulter le site web indiqué sur la page
(Valable seulement aux États-Unis et au Canada)
Quelle est la couverture?
Tout défaut de main-d’oeuvre ou de matériau;
toutefois, la responsabilide la sociéSpectrum
Brands, Inc. se limite au prix d’achat du produit.
Quelle est la durée?
Su garantía se extiende por dos años a partir de la
fecha original de compra mientras que tenga una
prueba de la compra.
Quelle aide offrons nous?
Remplacement par un produit raisonnablement
semblable nouveau ou réusiné.
Comment se prévaut-on du service?
Conserver son reçu de caisse comme preuve de la
date d’achat.
Visiter notre site web au www.prodprotect.com/
applica, ou composer sans frais le 1 800 231-9786,
pour obtenir des renseignements généraux relatifs à
la garantie.
On peut également communiquer avec le service des
pièces et des accessoires au 1 800 738-0245.
Qu’est-ce que la garantie ne couvre pas?
Des dommages dus à une utilisation commerciale.
Des dommages causés par une mauvaise utilisation
ou de la gligence.
Des produits qui ont é modifiés.
Des produits utilisés ou entretenus hors du pays où
ils ont é achetés.
Des pièces en verre et tout autre accessoire emballés
avec le produit.
Les frais de transport et de manutention reliés au
remplacement du produit.
Des dommages indirects (il faut toutefois prendre
note que certains états ne permettent pas l’exclusion
ni la limitation des dommages indirects).
Quelles lois gissent la garantie?
Les modalités de la présente garantie donnent des
droits gaux spécifiques. L’utilisateur peut également
se prévaloir d’autres droits selon l’état ou la province
qu’il habite.
1. Cover Handle/Cubierta de la Manija/
Couvrir Gérer
2. Cover/Cubierta/Couvercle
(Part#/Pieza #/pièce FCP240-01)
3. Spreader/Esparcidor/Diffuseur
(Part#/Pieza #/pièce FCP240-02)
4. Basket/Filtro de Café/Panier
Model/Modelo/Modèle FCP240
(Part#/ Pieza #/pièce n° FCP240-03)
Model/Modelo/Modèle FCP280
(Part#/ Pieza #/pièce n° FCP280-03)
Model/Modelo/Modèle FCP412
(Part#/ Pieza #/pièce n° FCP412-03)
5. Spring/Muelle/Ressort
6. Pump Tube/Tubo de bombeo/Tige
Model/Modelo/Modèle FCP240
(Part#/ Pieza #/pièce n° FCP240-04)
Model/Modelo/Modèle FCP280
(Part#/ Pieza #/pièce n° FCP280-04)
Model/Modelo/Modèle FCP412
(Part#/ Pieza #/pièce n° FCP412-04)
7. 3-Conductor Power Cord/3-Cable de
conexión eléctrica/Cordon
d’alimentation à 3 conducteurs
(Part#/ Pieza #/pièce n° FCP240-05)
8. Base/Base/Base
9. Center Well/Depósito central/
10. Washer/Arandela/Rondelle
11. Body/Cuerpo/Corps de l’appareil
12. Water Level Markings (not shown)/
Marcas de niveles de agua (no se
muestran)/Indicateurs de niveau
d’eau (non illustrés)
Note: indicates consumer replaceable/
removable parts
Nota: indica piezas reemplazables o
retirables por el consumidor
Remarque : Le symbole indique
une pièce amovible/remplaçable par

Produkt Specifikationer

Mærke: Farberware
Kategori: Koffiezetapparaat
Model: FCP412

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