Franklin DMQ-221 Manual

Læs nedenfor 📖 manual på dansk for Franklin DMQ-221 (2 sider) i kategorien Oversættelse computer. Denne guide var nyttig for 4 personer og blev bedømt med 4.5 stjerner i gennemsnit af 2 brugere

Side 1/2
Please read the following safety warnings
and precautions before using your device.
Note: If this device is to be used by young
children, this User’s Guide should be read
to them by an adult and their use of the
device should be monitored. Failure to do
so may cause injury.
1. Introduction
With your new Collins English Dictionary
Express Edition with Thesaurus you can …
• ndsynonyms,antonymsand
Classmates™ at the touch of a key
• checkthespellingofthousandsofwords
• lookupConfusables™
• usethethreesolverstondpossible
crossword answers when you know only
a few letters
• playeightfunwordgames
• savewordsforstudy
• storenamesandnumbersinthe
• usethehandycalculatorandmetricand
currency converters
2. Getting Started
The DMQ-221 uses one CR2032 Lithium
battery that comes preinstalled. Turn the
device over and gently pull the battery
insulation sheet to remove it. Press
to turn the product on. Use a paper clip to
gently press the RESET button on the back
of the device. For more information, please
see “Resetting your Device.
Warning! Pressing the reset button with
more than light pressure may permanently
disable your unit. In addition, resetting the
unit may erase settings and information you
may have entered.
2.1 Replacing the Battery
The battery should be changed when
the screen contrast is too light even after
adjustment. Please have a small Phillips
screwdriver at hand before you follow the
steps below.
Warning! If the batteries wear out
completely, or if you take more than a few
seconds while changing the batteries, any
user-entered information may be erased.
You should always keep written copies of
your important information.
1. Turn the unit o and turn it over.
2. Use the Phillips screwdriver to
unscrew the battery cover screw.
3. Push gently on the tab of the
battery cover and remove it.
4. Remove the old battery.
Note: Use a paper clip if necessary to
remove the old battery.
5. Install 1 new CR-2032 lithium
battery with positive polarity facing
Important: Be sure that the battery is
installed correctly. Wrong polarity may
damage the unit.
6. Replace the battery cover and
secure it with the screw.
Battery Precautions
• Non-rechargeablebatteriesarenottobe
come with the device.
• Rechargeablebatteriesaretoberemoved
from the device before being charged.
• Rechargeablebatteriesareonlytobe
charged under adult supervision.
• Onlybatteriesofthesameorequivalent
type as recommended are to be used.
• Thesupplyterminalsarenottobeshort-
• Donotexposebatteriestodirectheatortry
to take batteries apart. Follow the battery
manufacturers instructions for battery use.
• Alwaysremoveaweakordeadbattery
from the device.
• Toavoiddamagecausedbyleakageof
the battery uid, replace the battery or
batteries once every two years regardless
of how much the device has been used
during that time.
• Shouldabatteryleak,thedevicemay
become damaged. Clean the battery
compartment immediately, avoiding
contact with your skin.
• Keepbatteriesoutofreachofsmall
children. If swallowed, consult a physician
2.2 Key Guide
Function Keys
Goes to the word entry screen or
displays the dictionary entry for
a word.
Goes to the word entry screen
or displays the thesaurus entry
for a word. In word lists where
you see a ashing T, displays the
thesaurus entry.
Goes to the Solvers menu.
Goes to the Games menu.
Goes to your user list menu.
Turns your device on or o.
Goes to the main menu, where
you can set the contrast and
shuto time, view the demo,
and access the databank,
calculator, metric and currency
converters, abbreviations list
and clock.
Clears to the start of the
selected mode.
Returns to your previous
location or erases a letter.
Enters words or numbers, selects
items or scrolls text to the left.
 Atthewordentryscreenand
crossword solver, types a ? to
stand for a single letter in a
the word entry screen, press
then up ( ) to type an *
to stand for a series of letters.
In word lists, dictionary entries,
or thesaurus entries where
you see a ashing ?, displays
Navigation Button
 Atthewordentryscreen,moves
the cursor left ( ) or right ( ).
When the cursor is at the end of
a word, press to type a space.
In games, press to get a hint.
In thesaurus entries, press to
go to the next entry or to go
the word entry screen, press up
( ) to enter a capital letter or
add an accent to a letter. In a
menu, press to scroll up a list.
In a menu, press down ( ) to
scroll down a list.
Calculator Keys
Q–P Types numbers.
A(1/x) Calculates a reciprocal.
S(√x)  Calculatesasquareroot.
D(x2)  Squaresanumber.
F(%) Calculates a percentage.
G(.) Inserts a decimal point.
H(+),J(-) Adds,subtracts,multipliesor
divides numbers.
Z(+/-) Changes the number on the
screen to a negative or positive
X(M+)  Addsthenumberonthescreento
the number stored in memory.
C(M–) Subtracts the number on the
screen from the number stored in
V(MR) Recalls the number stored in
B(MC) Clears the memory.
2.3 For Your Information
Viewing the Demo
see a demonstration of what it can do. To
stop the demo, press any key. To disable
orre-enablethedemo,rstpress DICT
or THES to go to the word entry screen,
then type ** d and press ENTER. To view
the demo at any time, press MENU, press
until you see Demo and then press
Note: Press then up ( ) to type an *.
Follow the Arrows
The ashing arrows show which arrow
keys you can press to move around
menus or view more text.
3. Setting the Clock
The clock lets you set a Home Time and
view local times around the world. You
must set the Home Time before viewing
World Times as World Times are based on
Home Time.
3.1 Setting Home Time
1. Press MENU.
2. Press or until you see Clock and
then press ENTER.
• YouseetheHomeTimescreen.
3. Press S to enter the setting mode.
4. Press ENTER to select Set Time
• Press or to cycle through the 12-
and 24-hour Day/Month/Year formats.
• PressENTER to save your selection.
5. Press until you see Set DST and
press ENTER to select it.
• Press or to cycle between DST On
or DST O. Press ENTER to select your
6. Press until you see Set Time and
press ENTER to select it.
• Press or until the current hour is
• Press to move to minutes, then
press or until the current minute
is displayed.
• PressENTER to set the time.
7. Press until you see Set Date and
press ENTER to select it.
• Use or to move to the next or
previouseld.Use or to scroll to
the current day/month/year.
• PressENTER to set it.
8. Press until you see Set Home City
and press ENTER to select it.
• Press or until your local city is
displayed. Press ENTER to select it.
Note: To see a list of available cities,
see the appendix at the end of this
User’s Guide.
9. Press BACK to exit setting mode.
3.2 Setting World Time
1. Press MENU.
2. Press or until you see Clock and
then press ENTER.
• YouseetheHomeTimescreen.
3. Press to see the World Time
4. Press S to enter setting mode.
5. Press ENTER to select Set DST.
• Press or tocyclebetweenDSTOn
orDSTO.PressENTER to select your
6. Press until you see Set World City
and press ENTER to select it.
• Press or until the city you want
is displayed. Press ENTER to select it.
Note: To see a list of available cities,
see the appendix at the end of this
User’s Guide.
7. Press BACK to exit setting mode.
4. Finding Dictionary Entries
To look up a word in the dictionary,
follow the following instructions.
1. Press DICT.
2. Type a word.
• Toerasealetter,pressBACK.
• Totypeaspace,press .
• Toeditaword,press and then type
to insert characters.
• Totypeacapitaloranaccent,typethe
letterrstandthenpress .
3. Press ENTER to see the denition.
• Ifthereismorethanoneentryfor
the word you looked up, you see the
message “Dictionary Entry 1 of #”
where # represents the total number
4. Press to read the denition.
5. Press or to view the previous or
next entry.
6. Press CLEAR when nished.
4.1 Choosing Multiple Forms
Some words in this dictionary have more
than one form (e.g., resume, résumé).
When the word you are looking up has
multiple forms, the dierent forms appear
in a list. Simply press or until you see
the form you want and then press ENTER.
For example, type resume at the word
entry screen. Press or until you see
the form you want and then press ENTER
to see its entry. To go back to the Multiple
Forms list, press BACK.
4.2 Misspelling Words
If you enter a misspelt word, a list of
corrections appears. Press or until
you see the word you want and then
press ENTER to see its entry. For example,
type nolij at the word entry screen. Press
or until you see the word you want
and then press ENTER to look it up. To
go back to the Corrections list and select
another word, press BACK.
4.3 Understanding Flashing
time or are scrolling through a word list
be sure to look at the upper right part of
the screen. You may see a ashing T or ?.
T indicates that a thesaurus entry is
available for this word. Press THES to
view it. ? indicates that Confusables are
available for this word. Press ? to view
5. Finding Thesaurus Entries
Most thesaurus entries include a brief
synonyms, antonyms, and Classmates™
(words related by subject). If a word has
appears. When you see a ashing T to
the right of the screen, it indicates that a
word has a thesaurus entry. Press THES
to see it.
1. Press CLEAR or DICT.
• DICT returns you to the word entry
screen from any mode.
2. Type a word. For example, type
• Toerasealetter,pressBACK.
• Totypeaspace,press .
• Toeditaword,press and then type
to insert characters.
• Totypeacapitaloranaccent,typethe
letterrstandthenpress .
3. Press THES to search.
• Ifthereismorethanonethesaurus
entry for the word you looked up, you
see the message Thesaurus Entry
1 of #” where # represents the total
number of entries.
4. Press to read the entry.
5. Press or to view the previous or
next thesaurus entry.
6. Press CLEAR when nished.
6. Viewing Confusables™
Confusables are words such as
homonyms and spelling variants that
people often confuse. When you see a
ashing ? to the right of the screen, it
indicates that the word has Confusables.
Press ? to see them.
1. Press DICT.
2. Type ere and then press ENTER.
3. Press ?.
• EachConfusableisfollowedbyaword
that explains its meaning.
4. Press or to scroll through the list.
5. Press ENTER to turn on the highlight.
• Usethenavigationbuttontohighlight
9.4 Adding Words Not in This
When you type a word not contained
in this dictionary, you are still allowed
dictionary and then the Add anyway
menu item. Press ENTER to add the word
as you typed it. Press to see Cancel and
then press ENTER to cancel the addition.
this dictionary uses considerably more
memory that adding words that are. If
you add only words that are not in this
dictionary, My Word List may contain as
few as 10 words.
9.5 Viewing My Word List
1. Press MY LIST.
2. Press or until you see View List:
n word(s) and then press ENTER.
• View List: EMPTY will be displayed if My
Word List is empty.
3. Press or to scroll through your
4. Press CLEAR when done.
9.6 Removing a Word from My
Word List
1. Press MY LIST.
2. Press or until you see Delete a
word and then press ENTER.
3. Press or until you see the word
you want to delete.
4. Press ENTER to delete the word.
• ThemessageWorddeleted”is
displayed and the word is erased from
My Word List.
9.7 Erasing My Word List
1. Press MY LIST.
2. Press or until you see Erase the
list and then press ENTER.
3. Press Y to erase the list or press N to
10. Using the Solvers
10.1 Crossword Solver
Use Crossword Solver tondwordswhere
you only know some of the letters.
1. Press SOLVERS.
2. Press or until you see Crossword
Solver and then press ENTER.
3. Type a pattern of letters and ?s (e.g.,
• Remember,?replacesasingleletterin
a word.
4. Press ENTER.
• Thelistofwordsthatmatchthe
entered pattern is displayed.
5. Press or to scroll through the
list of results.
6. Press CLEAR when done.
10.2 Anagram Solver
Anagram Solver builds words using all the
letters you enter.
1. Press SOLVERS.
2. Press or until you see Anagram
Solver and then press ENTER.
3. Type a group of letters (e.g.,
4. Press ENTER.
• Thelistofanagramsthatmatchthe
entered group of letters is displayed.
5. Press or to scroll through the
list of results.
6. Press CLEAR when done.
10.3 Word Builder
Word Builder generates a list of words that
can be made from any number of the letters
you enter.
1. Press SOLVERS.
2. Press or until you see Word
Builder and then press ENTER.
3. Type a group of letters (e.g., ptyssti).
4. Press ENTER.
• Alistofwordsthatcanbespeltusing
any number of the entered letters is
5. Press or to scroll through the list
of results.
6. Press CLEAR when done.
the word you want.
6. Press ENTER to look it up.
7. Press CLEAR when nished.
7. Finding Parts of Words
stands for any single letter. Each asterisk
stands for any series of letters. Note: if
you type an asterisk at the beginning of
to help solve crossword puzzles and
similar word games by typing them in
place of missing letters.
1. Press DICT.
2. Type a word with ?s and * s in it.
• Forexample,typesc?o* .
• Totypeanasterisk,press? then .
3. Press ENTER.
• Alistofwordsmatchingthepatternyou
entered appears.
• Ifthedevicecannotndwordsthat
match the pattern you entered, “Sorry
can’t help appears.
4. Press or to scroll through the list.
5. Press CLEAR when nished.
8. Highlighting Words
highlighting them in dictionary entries or
of the highlighted word or add it to My
Word List. In this device, highlighted words
are indicated by an underline.
1. At any text, press ENTER to start the
• Toturnthehighlighto,pressBACK.
2. Press the arrow keys to highlight a
3. Press ENTER to look up the word.
• ToviewitsthesaurusentrypressTHES or
to see Confusables press ?, if available. To
add it to My Word List, press MY LIST.
4. Press CLEAR when nished.
9. Using My Word List
You can save up to 40 words in My Word
List for personal study or review. My Word
List is saved between sessions unless your
product is reset.
9.1 Adding Words from the
1. Press MY LIST.
2. Press or until you see Add a word
and then press ENTER.
3. Type a word (e.g., essential).
4. Press ENTER to add the word.
5. Press CLEAR when done.
9.2 Adding Words from the
Word Entry Screen
You can add words to My Word List directly
from the word entry screen or from a
dictionary or thesaurus entry.
1. Press DICT.
2. Type the word you want to add to
your word list (e.g., poignant).
3. Press MY LIST.
• OrpressENTER and then press MY
LIST from the dictionary entry.
• OrpressTHES and then press MY LIST
from the thesaurus entry. Your word is
included in the menu item.
4. Press ENTER to add the word.
5. Press CLEAR to return to the word
entry screen.
9.3 Adding Highlighted Words
In addition, you can add highlighted
words to My Word List.
1. From any text, press ENTER to turn
on the highlight.
• Note: Highlighted words are indicated
by an underline.
2. Use the navigation button to move
the highlight to the word you want.
3. Press MY LIST.
• Yourwordisincludedinthemenu
4. Press ENTER to add the word.
5. Press CLEAR to return to the word
entry screen.
11. Playing the Games
You can play eight word games.
11.1 Using the Games Menu
1. Press GAMES.
2. Press or until you see Games
Setup and then press ENTER.
3. Press or until you see the
setting you want to change and
then press ENTER.
• Word List allows you to choose which
words you want to use in the games.
You can choose to play with all the
word in the dictionary or only those
words saved in My Word List.
• Skill Level allows you to set the
diculty of the games. You can
Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, Wizard.
the skill level.
4. Press or until you see the
setting you want and then press
5. Press BACK to return to the Games
6. Press or until you see the game
you want to try.
7. Press ENTER to select it.
11.2 Anagram Game
Anagram Game challengesyoutond
is a word formed from some or all the
letters of another word. The number
to the right of the screen indicates the
number of anagrams that can be formed
from the game word.
Type an anagram and press ENTER. Use
and to view the anagrams already
entered. Press to shue the letters.
Press ? to give up.
Aftertheroundisover,pressENTER to
look up the game word or press THES to
view its thesaurus entry, if any. Then press
BACK to return to the game. Press to
play again.
11.3 Flashcards
In Flashcards, a word appears on the
screen for you to study. Try to remember
itsdenition.PressENTER to look up the
word. Press THES to view its thesaurus
entry, if any. Then press BACK to return to
the game. Press for a new word.
11.4 Hangman
Hangman selects a mystery word and
challenges you to guess it letter by letter.
The letters of the mystery word are
to the right of the screen indicates the
number of guesses allowed.
Type letters you think are in the mystery
word. Press for a hint. Press ? to give up.
Aftertheroundisover,pressENTER to
look up the game word or press THES to
view its thesaurus entry, if any. Then press
BACK to return to the game. Press to
play again.
11.5 Spelling Bee
In Spelling Bee, a word ashes on the
disappear. Try to type the word you saw
and press ENTER. Press to ash the
word on the screen. Press ? to give up.
Aftertheroundisover,pressENTER to
look up the game word or press THES to
view its thesaurus entry, if any. Then press
BACK to return to the game. Press to
play again.
11.6 Synonym Game
Synonym Game selects a mystery word
and challenges you to guess it letter by
letter. Your only clue is a synonym of
the mystery word, displayed at the top
of the screen. The letters of the mystery
The number to the right of the screen
indicates the number of guesses allowed.
Type letters you think are in the mystery
appear. Press for a hint. Press ? to give
to look up the game word or press THES
to view its thesaurus entry, if any. Then
press BACK to return to the game. Press
to play again.
11.7 Word Blaster
In Word Blaster, you must guess the
mystery word before it appears fully on
a time. When there are enough letters
ENTER. Type your guess and press ENTER
to see if you were right. Press to ash
the partially completed word on the
screen. Press ? togiveup.Aftertheround
is over, press ENTER to look up the game
word or press THES to view its thesaurus
entry, if any. Then press BACK to return to
the game. Press to play again.
11.8 Word Deduction
In Word Deduction, you have to guess
a mystery word based on the provided
clues. The number to the left of the
screen indicates how many guesses you
of letters and then press ENTER. You see
P and M with numbers next to them. The
number next to P stands for the number
of letters in their correct position. The
number next to M stands for the number
of letters present in the mystery word but
entered in the wrong position.
Continue typing words and pressing
ENTER using the information from P and
M. Press ? to give up.
Aftertheroundisover,pressENTER to
look up the game word or press THES to
view its thesaurus entry, if any. Then press
BACK to return to the game. Press to
play again.
11.9 Word Train
In Word Train, you and the computer
take turns trying to complete a word.
Continue typing letters until a word is
typed. Winning words must be at least 4
letters long. Whoever types the last letter
of the word wins. Press for a hint. Press
? to give up.
Aftertheroundisover,pressENTER to
look up the game word or press THES to
view its thesaurus entry, if any. Then press
BACK to return to the game. Press to
play again.
12. Using the Main Menu
contrast, view the demo, adjust the
shuto time, read the abbreviations list,
and access the databank, calculator,
clock, and metric and currency
12.1 Adjusting Screen Contrast
You can make the screen lighter or darker.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press or until you see Contrast
and then press ENTER.
3. Press or to choose the level you
4. Press ENTER when you reach the
desired contrast level.
12.2 Viewing the Demo
You can view a brief demonstration of
this dictionary.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press or until you see Demo and
then press ENTER.
3. Press CLEAR when nished.
12.3 Adjusting the Shuto Time
The shuto time is how long this
dictionary stays on if you forget to turn
it o.
1. Press MENU.
2. Press or until you see Shuto
and then press ENTER.
3. Press or to choose the time you
4. Press ENTER when you reach the
desired time.
12.4 Viewing the Abbreviations
abbreviations used in this dictionary and
their explanation.
1. Press MENU.
User’s Guide
Collins English
Express Edition
with Thesaurus
DMQ221_A_english.indd 1 18/07/2012 9:13 AM

Produkt Specifikationer

Mærke: Franklin
Kategori: Oversættelse computer
Model: DMQ-221

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