RCA Q1 Manual
Læs nedenfor 📖 manual på dansk for RCA Q1 (2 sider) i kategorien Smartphones. Denne guide var nyttig for 62 personer og blev bedømt med 4.5 stjerner i gennemsnit af 2 brugere
Side 1/2

1. neral InfoGe rmaon
1.1 o ePr fil
1.2 Safety Warning and P nsrecauo
2 Your oneph
2.1 Phone Layout
2.3 Status bar
3 Ge ng started
3.1 Insta g the cro SIM Cards, SD card and the eryllin Mi Ba
3.2 Charging the Ba ery
3.3 Linking to the Networks and devices
3.4 g the t h eenUsin ouc scr
3.5 Using the on screen keypad
3.6 Make a Call
3.7 Persona Datal
4 Using the Menus
4.1 Browser
4.2 C oralculat
4.3 Ca endarl
4.4 Camera and video
4.5 C ockl
4.6 Con stact
4.7 Send a Text Messaging
4.9 Email
4.10 e ManagerFil
4.11 FM Radio
4.12 Ga eryll
4.13 Maps
4.14 Tethering and rt e hotspotPo abl
4.15 Disp ayl
4.16 Security
4.17 SIM Toolkit
4.18 Videos
5 App dixen
1. General Informaon
1.1 Pro efil
Pleas lle read and fo ow a inst s in thisll rucon manual
before using the device to ensure the gest fespanlon li
of your dev e d ba ery.ic an
The ca ns and features are subje changespecifi o ct to
pe phorformance of this mob eil ne is reserv .ed
Due to different so ware and net rk operwo ators,
display on your phone may be di erent, refer to yourff
phone for tade ils.
1.2 Safety War g d Prec snin an auon
The Safety Info a on and Precau ons in thisrm
manua must be fo owed to minimize thel ll
risk or ex sion, e ectric shock or toof fire plo l
prevent prope y d ge, pe ona in ry, or d .rt ama rs lju eath
If you n ce strange s s or sounds comingo mell
from your device or the baery, or if you see
smoke or s king from the device or ba ery,liquid lea
stop using the device immediate y and contactl
RCA Cu omer Service. Fai ure to do so may resu tst l l
in re or exfi plosion.
Do not use your m e phone e driving, useobil whil
hands-free s when the cfing all idable.s are unavo
In some countries, g or receiving cdialin all whiles
driving is prohibited by aw.l
Wire ess d ices can c e intlev aus erference in aircra .
Make sure y r mobi e one is switched oou lph ff
during takeo and . r tak off landing Ae e ff, you can
use the device in if ed byAirplane Mode allow
aircra pers onnel.
Stric y e e the evant aws, codes, andtl obs rv rel l
regu a ns on the use of e phones in riskyl o mobil
areas. Switch o your mob e phone before enteringff il
a p e e to exp , such as an oi stalac suscepbl losion l on,
oi tank, chemica nt or a e where a b s ngl l pla plac la
process is under way.
Fo ow any specia reg a s in force in any areall l ul on
such as hospit s and ways switch o your phoneal al ff
whenever forbi en to use it or, when it mayit is dd
ca teruse in ference or dan r. Pr y use urge operlyo
mob e ne r ica apparat , s h asil pho nea med luses uc
pa akers, aring aids and some other e troniccem he lec
medica d ices, as it may e interfere e tolev caus nc
such apparatuses.
The conversa n a ity of any m i e e mayo qu l ob lphon
be a ected by radio int ference. An tenna isffer an
during a conversa , otherwise the con all quality
will be deteriorated.
To pr t your d ice from ma ware and viruses,otec ev l
do not do ad unknown app ca ons or visitwnlo li
untrusted websites, de ete suspicious messagesl
or emai from unknown sen rs.lde
Set a pas rd and change it reg r y, ac vateswo ula l de
so may result in losdamages or s of data that
may not be red by the war nty servi .cove ra ce
2.2 F s of Keysuncon
Power key
Power key is cated on the top of the right edge of thelo
phone. W e using the phone, you can press this keyhil
to k screen; if you press and d this key, an oploc hol on
take ree s or p er osc nshot ow ff.
Vo ume Keyl
Vo e keys are on the e side of the phone. Youlum l
can press them to adjust ringer, earpiece or media
volume. You are o presented three s of None,als opon
Priority and . When Priority mode is turned on,All
onl ficaon llowe firey a certain set of no s are a d to
through to disturb you. You can contro what fl alls
t ough the Inte ns sec n in Se ngs. Justhr rrupo o
remember to turn it back to A when y r mee ng,ll ou
nap or movie is done. Note: None n of the Priorityopo
noficaon seng also ff alars turns o the m.
Menu Key
Touch this i n to access s of a dco opon selecte funcon;
Home Key
l e or right exte ed H e screen, t h it can enternd om ouc
th ent screene c ral.
Back Key
Touch this i n to return to the previous screen;co
2.3 S s bartatu
Mute is enab ed.l
Vibra n is ena ed.o bl
New voice ge has been received.messa
Ba ery is fu ll
Ba ery is low
Ba ery charging is in progress
No SIM Card
Your phone is connected to a 2G net rk.wo
Your phone is connected to a 3G net rk.wo
Your phone is connected to a 4G net rk.wo
An LTE data c ec n is open.onn o
An EDGE data c n is open.onneco
An HSDPA/HSUPA data conne n is open.co
Airp e mode is switc d on.lan he
Bluetooth is switched on.
Wi-Fi is connected
Phone is connected to PC via USB connector
GPS is in use
Call is in progress
Call holdis on
SIM card is full
Keyboard is in use
Signa strengthl
Ba ery is charging
New xt messagete
New email
Event no ca nfi o
Missed call
3 Ge ng started
3.1 Ins ing the Micro SIM Cards, SD card and the Ba erytall
service provider. y Micro-SIM cards work with theOnl
d i .ev ce
Note: r powering o your e phone, waitAe ff mobil
fo few seconds before moving or ins g a SIMr a re ern
card. Exercise n when g an SIM card, ascauo operan
frico will roperlyn or bending damage the SIM card. P
keep the mobi e phone and its s such as the SIMl fing
cards beyond ch dren's reach.il
Insta all on
Power o the mob e phoneff il
Take the b k co r ay.ac ve aw
Carefu y inse SIM card into the SIM cardll rt the slot,
with the go f ing up, un the ocks into p ace.lo ac l card l l
Do not remove a card wh e the device is transferringil
Pr ect cards from rong shocks, sta c e ectricity,ot st l
Note: The SD card is a min re object. Kiatu eep it out
3.2 Charging the Baery
Your mo e one can monitor d ay e ba erybil ph an displ th
Whe sen in rng a card, make sure the angled
corner of the card is po d co . e SIMsione rrectly lf th
or access g informa on, as t s cin hi oul lod result in ss
of data and/or damage to the card or vice.de
and e ectri noise from other d ices.lcalev
of the reach of children for fear that ch n sw w it!ildre allo
charge stat .us
When conn g a cab e to your device, make sure thatecn l
the c e is e ed to the proper side.abl conn ct
The remaining energy of the ba ery is indicated by the
ba ry icon e upper right corner of the d ay screen.e level at th ispl
When the ba ery energy is insu cient, the mob e phone ffi il
prompts "Baery ".low
Insta the ball ery into the mo e one before chargingbil ph
the ba ery.
Over , unused device discharge and must beme will
recharged before use.
Insert the p g of the charger into an a r riate power t et.lu pp op ou l
Du th ing th rid thring e charg , e ba ery eve g l l s in e ba ery i nco
keep kering the ba ery is y charged.flic ll full
The ba ery i n does no onger cker when the chargingco l fli
pro s e s.ces nd
Inserng them in a wrong direcon may cause charging fa reilu
or er damages.oth
Op mizing Ba ery Life
You can extend y r y’s fe bet en c r s by turningou baer li we ha ge
o features that you don’t d and turning on Baffnee ery Saver
and S ndby In i nt Power Saving. You n a so ch kta tell ge ca lec
how a ca s and system resources consume ba ry power.ppli on e
To guarantee the op am l performance of your ba ery, please
s ck to the fo ll lowing ru es:
Wi-Fi, B uetooth, or GPS, turn them ol ff.
Turn o radios that you aren’t using. If you aren’t usingff
Turn n n s d set a s r r ndow scree brightnes an horte sc ee
If you n’t need , t n o autodo them ur ffmac syncing for
Gmail lenda, Ca r, Contacts, and other ca ons.appli
Note: On the e reen, pr s M u i n d tap Se gsHom sc es en co an n
> y. The y Use n i s the ica s tBaer Baer scree lst appl on tha
The top e s een ays e re ining e before uof th cr displ th ma m yo
of the amount of power they used. Tou ppch an a licaon in the
consump on. Di fferent a ca s oppli on ffer di erent kinds offf
informa n.o
3.3 Linking to the Netw s and devi sork ce
devices, ng e networks for voice and dataincludi mobil
transmission, Wi-Fi data net r , and uetoothwo ks Bl
devices, such as headsets. You can a o connect yourls
phone to a com ter, to t nsfer es from your phone’spu ra fil
storage or SD card and share your phone’s mobi e datal
connec n via USB cab e or B u th.o l l etoo
of the screen
Connecng to mobile networks
When you assemb e your phone wit SIM card, yourlh a
phone is con red to use your provider’s mob e net rksfigu il wo
for voice ca s and for tr smi ng data.ll an
When a SIM card is enab ed, you canl:
Set SIM card name, turn on or t n o the Sur ffIM card.
Se g up cellular datan
Go to the main menu, and k forloo Se ngs
Tap on 'Data usage'
Tap on the name e m e e ca ier d then tapof th obil phon rr an
th the empty check box to e right of " ". ThisCellular tada will
9 10
2 Your phone
2.1 Phone Layout
Only RCA approved personne may instal ll or repair
phone t. Inst , disasseequipmen alling mbling,
mo airin phondifying or rep g the mobile e on your
own may bring great nger d void yourda an
manufacturer’s warranty. If your d ice n dsev ee
servicing, contact RCA Customer Service.
Use y approved accessories and ba eries. RCAonl
ca t be res s e for the user’s safety whennno pon ibl
using accessories that are not approved by RCA.
CAUTION: Use o y RCA-approved chargers,nl
ba eries, and cab . Unapproved chargers or c les ables
can cause the ba ery to ex e or damage the device. plod
lf the ba ery termin oma s cle into c tact hon wit
met bjects causa ol, this may e a re.fi
Use the ba y y for their inte ed purposes.er onl nd
Disconnect the charger from p er sources whenow
not in use.
Do not disasse e or puncture the bambl ery, as
this can cause ex s n or re.plo io fi
Turn o the device before removing the ba ery. Ifff
you re ve the bamo ery with the device turned on, it
may c e the d e to ma fu .aus evic lncon
your ngers or meta objects. If dirty, an the ba ryfi l cle e
termina s wit co on ba or a t elh a ll ow l.
Do not dispose of the ba ery or device i re.n a fi
Do not use a damaged charger or baery.
Do not p ce the ba ery or d ice near or in heala ev ng
devices, such as heaters, microwave, stoves, hot c k goo in
e uipment, or high press e containers or radiators.qur
The dev e may ex e when overheat .ic plod ed
Fo ow ca regll all lo l ulaons when disposing of used
baery or device.
Ens e the phone is switched on and in service, enter theur
emer ncy number, for examp e , then pr s the Diage l911 es l
Note: Just ke other m e phones, this mobli all obil ile
phone does not necessa y support a the featuresril ll
described in this manua due to n rk or dioletwo ra
t nsmission prob ems. Some t rks even do not supportra lne wo
the emergency ca service. And emergency ca s from yourll ll
device may not be e in some areas or circumstances.possibl
Therefore, do not re y y on the mobi e phone for cal solel l cri l
net rk ope tor.wo ra
Keep the mob e phone and a its s as SIMil ll fing
cards beyond ch dren's reach.il
Keep the mob e phone dry. Keep away from rain,il
moist e, d or other substances that may damageur liqui
and corrode e ectr c circ ts.loni ui
Do not use or store the mobi e phone in dusty s,l place
which eads parts of the e phone be damaged.l mobil
your device with wet hands.
Do t bend or damage the wer cord.no po
Do t s rt-no ho
Do not use your d ice outdoor during a thunderstorm.ev
exte ed riods ke on the dashboard of a car).nd pe of me (li
Do not store your d ice in y hot areas such as insideev ver
a car in the . Doing so may cause the screensummerme
and some p s c parts.la
Do not store the mobi e phone i yln a chill place.
Do not use your device with the back ver removed.co
Do not throw, knock or shock the mobi e phone, as thatl
Do not store your d ice near magne c e . Yourev fi lds
Do t use a camera ash or ght c se to the eyes ofno fl li lo
Do not use a headset e driving or riding. Doing sowhil
to , resu damage to the device, or causemalfuncon lt in
the ba ery to ex . High temperature o shorten plode will als
the ife of e ronic circuits and damage the bal lect ery
Otherwise, moistures be formed inside the mobiwill le
phone to damage e ectronic circuits when the mobl ile
phone is moved to a constant temperature place.
The ba ery may fa out of the device, which may resu ll lt
in ge or ma nc on.dama lfu
w destroy the interna circuits and high- ionill l precis
components of the mob e phone.il
device may u n or the bamalf nco ery may discharge
from expos e to magne c e ds.ur fi l
people or pets
may dist ct your a en n and cause an accident, orra o
may be gaille l depending on your region
Do not expose the device to heavy smoke or fumes.
Do not expose the device to high externa press e,lur
which can d to an interna short circuit andlea l
overhe g.an
Do not exposure to oud sounds wh e wa king mayl il l
distract your a en on d cause an accident. an
Do not use headsets in dry environ nts or touchme
a me ect to rge sta c e e r y beforetalobj discha l ct icit
c ec ng a h d o the d i .onn ea set t ev ce
Do not turn the vo me up before ing thelu plugg
earphones into an audio source and use y theonl
pr er v e se ng hear y r conversa on or m .op olum ou usic
Produkt Specifikationer
Mærke: | RCA |
Kategori: | Smartphones |
Model: | Q1 |
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