B-Tech BTV501 Manual

Læs nedenfor 📖 manual på dansk for B-Tech BTV501 (4 sider) i kategorien Vægophæng. Denne guide var nyttig for 11 personer og blev bedømt med 4.5 stjerner i gennemsnit af 2 brugere

Side 1/4
This Pack Contains 1 Mount
13mm (1/2") spanner
or socket
10mm (7/16")
masonry bit or
6mm (1/4") wood bit
(optional) Stud finder
"Suitable for VESA and non-VESA screens up to 42
unts scr n only 45mm from the wall Mo ee
5 fixed tilt positions up to 15°
Suitable for concrete, brick or stud walls up to 10"
Post-installat n screen alignment io
Simple hook-on installation with all mounting
hardware included
2 m64m
MAX: 225mm
MAX: 0mm20
Do not attempt to install this product until all instructions and wa rnings have been read and properly understood. Please keep
these instructions for future reference.
B-Tech Intern ional Limited, its distributors and dealers are not liable or responsible for damage or injury caused by improper at
installation, improper use or failure to observe these safety instructions. In such ses, a guarantees will expica ll re.
B-Tech Intern ional Ltd recommends that a professional AV inst ler or other suitably qualified person install this product. at al
Great care must always be taken during installatio most A equipment is o f a fragile n re, pos bly heavy and easily n as V atu si
damaged if dropped. If you do not fully understand the instructions or are not sure how to install this product safely, then
please consult a professional for advice d/or o install this an t product for you .
F lure to mount this product correctly may caai use rious injury or death both during installation and at any time th eafter. Do se er
not mount any AV equipme that ex eds th specific weight limit of the product you are instnt ce e alling .
This weight limit will be clearly stat on ea product and its pack aging and will vary from product to product. ed ch
Product location
Please pay careful at ion to where this product is located. me walls are not suitable for installation. tent So
If located in a public or freque ly populated area ensure that the product is out of the immediate reach of people. If any Ant V
equipment is to be suspended over the likely path or location of p ple then great e shoul be t en to secure all parts of eo car d ak
the installation from falling. If you install this product on drywall it must be sec u ly fixed to a w den stud, n ete block or re oo co cr
other permanent structure behind the drywall board. I t ing on drywall boards alone will not support the weight of most Ans all V
equipment. When drilling holes in walls it is essent l to oid contact with electrical cables and water or gas pipes contained ia av
within. Use of a good quality live wire dete or and hidden ject locator thct ob is erefore recommended. Only drill into structures
when you are su it is safe t do so. re o
Fixing hardware
It is highly recommended that all wall fixing screws be used where supplied and that the purpose of all other fixi hardware is ng
fully erstood. In some es more AV equipment fixing hardware will be supplied to accommodate diff ent models of und cas er
equipment and set up configurations. The installer must be sat fied that any su ied fixing hardware i suitable or each is ppl s f
specific installation. If any fixing screws or included hardware are deemed not sufficient for a safe installation then please
consult a ofessional or your lo l hardware ore. pr ca st
Hazard limitation
When routing les take advantage of any built in cable management features that the product might provide and ensure that cab
all bles are tidy and s re. Check to see hat any moving aspect of the product can do so unhindered by any c ling. ca ecu t ab
Some products have moving parts and the potential to cause injury through t crushing or trapping of fingers or other body he
Particular attention to the nature of moving parts is required espe ally when assembling installing and adjusting during set ci up.
Immediately after installations double-check that the work done is safe and secure. Double-check all necessary fixings are
present and are of ample tightness.
It is recommended that periodic inspections of th roduct and its fixing points e made as frequently as possible to en e e p ar sur
that safety is maintained. If in doubt consult a professional AV inst ler or ot r suitably qualified person. al he
Spole nost B-Tech International Ltd. doporu uje provést instalaci tohoto produktu prost nict m odč č řed ví borného instalátora AV i č
inak zp s ilé osoby. Spole nost B-Tech International Ltd, její distributo i a prodejci nenesou odpov dno za škody nebo ůob č ř ě st
zran ní zp sobená nevhodnou instalací. Tento výrobek je n o um do vhodné konstrukce a pou ívat jen po uvedenou ě ů utn ístit ž
maximální výšku.
B-Tech International Ltd. empfiehlt, dass dieses Produkt durch einen qualifizierten A Techniker oder eine andere son mit V- Per
geeigneter Qualifikation installiert wird. B-Tech International Lt d ihre Dist butoren und , ri Händler können nicht für durch
fehlerhafte Montage veru achte Beschädigung oder Verletzung haftbar bzw. verantwortlich gemacht werden. Dieses Produkt rs
muss auf eine geeignetem Untergrund montiert werden und darf nur bis zum angegebenen Höchstgewicht verwendet we n.rde
B-Tech International Ltd. recomienda que un instalador de audio y deo ofesional u otra pervi pr so na debidamente cualificada
instalen este producto. B-Tech International Ltd, sus dis ibuidores y concesionarios no se hacen rgo ni str ca e responsabilizan
de ningún daño o lesión provocados por una instalación inapropiada. Este oducto se debe montar en una estructura pr
adecuada y se debe utilizar soportando solam te hasta el peso máximo indicado. en
B-Tech International Ltd. recommand e c fiere d on l’installation de ce produit à un installateur AV professionnel ou à une autre
per nne dûment lifiée. B-Te International Ltd, ses distributeurs et ses revendeurs ne uraient être tenus r onsables so qua ch sa esp
de tout dégât ou de toute ble ure ré ltant une installation incorrecte. Ce produi doit être monté sur u support approprié ss su d’ t n
et utilisé dans la mite du poids maximum indiqué. li
B-Tech International d. Lt consiglia di affidare l’installazione di questo prodotto a un installatore specializzato o ad altra
per na adeguatame qualificata. B-Te International Ltd, i suoi d tributori e rivenditori non accettano alcuna so nte ch is
responsabilità nei riguardi di eventuali danni o infortuni causati da un’errata instal lazione. Questo prodotto deve e ere fissato ss
a una struttura idone utilizzato unicamen sino al peso massimo india e te cato.
B-Tech Intern ional Ltd. adviseert om dit product te laten insta eren door een professionele AV-installateur of andere at ll
hiervoor gekwalificeerde persoon. B-Tech International Ltd, haar distrib eurs en de ers zijn niet aansprakelijk of ut al
verantwoordelijk voor schade of letsel die is v orzaakt door onoordeelkundige inst latie. Dit product moet worden ero al
gemonteerd aan een geschikte structie,con waarbij het aangegeven maximum gewicht niet mag worden overschreden.
Firma B-Tech Int national Ltd. zaleca, aby ten produkt by instalowany przez profe onalnych instalatorów AV lub inny er łsj
od nio przeszkolony personel. Firma B-Tech International Ltd, jej dystrybutorzy i dealerzy nie ponosz powied ą
odpowiedzialno ci za uszkodzenia lub obra enia cia a pows e w wynik nieprawid owej instal ji Niniejszy produkt musi by ś ż ł tału łac . ć
This wall mount is intended
for use only with the maximum weights
indicated. Use with flat screens heavier than the maximum
ind ingicated may result in instability caus possible injury.
zamontowany na odpowiedniej powierzchni, a podczas u ytkowania nie wolno przekracza podanego maksymalnego ż ć
obci enia. ąż
A B-Tech International Ltd. recomenda que a instalação deste produto seja efectuada por um instalador de AV profissional ou
outra pessoa devidamente habilitada. -Tech International Ltd. e os seus distribuidores e concessionários não são A B
responsávei por danos ou lesões causados p umas or instal ação inco ecta. Esrr te produto tem de ser monta numa estrutura do
adequada e utilizado somente até ao peso máximo indicado.
Компания рекомендует чтобы установка данного изделия производи сь инженером по B-Tech International Ltd. , ла
установке аудио видеотехники или другим специалистом с соответствующей алификацией Компания - кв . B-Tech
International Ltd., ее дистри юторыбь и дилеры не несут ответственности , за повреждения или травмы полученные в
результате непра льной установки Данное изделие должно крепиться к соответ вующей конструкции и ви . ст
использоват я для поддержания оборудования вес которого не превышает указанный максимальный весьс , .
© 1 B-Tech Int at l Ltd All hts res d B-T h A o V o nts is a div n o B-Tech Int at l Ltd B-Tech Better y s n Ventry e ist d t ks o B-Tech Int at l Ltd.201 ern iona . rig erve . ec udi ide Mou isio f ern iona . , B De ig & ar reg ere rademar f ern iona
All ot r he brands d uct es e t rks o t r spect e r Phot hs e for strative oses l E.an prod nam ar radema f hei re iv owne s. ograp ar illu purp on y. E&O
Ben tt House, Long March Daventry, Nort ts., NN 4NR, UK ne , han 11
Email: inf btechavmounts.co.uko@
Ruby ndustrial Complex, I
Singapore 347740
Email: info@btechavmounts.com.sg
203 Eggert Road,
Buffalo, NY 14215, USA
Email: info@btechavmounts.com
Unit 1109 Prosperity Millennia Plaza,
Quarry Bay, ng Kong Ho
Email: info@btechavmounts.com.hk
Dyrotzer Weg A 14612 Falkensee, 26 ,
Berlin, rmany Ge
Email: inf btechdeut hland.de o@ sc
Brixtonlaan 32, Zaventem 1930,
Brussels, Belgium
Email: info@btechproav.com
IP-B V T 180811-03 MADE IN CHINATV501- 2-V 1BX-
Includes locking bar for secure installation

Produkt Specifikationer

Mærke: B-Tech
Kategori: Vægophæng
Model: BTV501
Bredde: 291 mm
Højde: 255 mm
Produktfarve: Sort
Monteringstype: Væg
Hovedkassens bruttovægt (udvendigt): 11730 g
Hældningsvinkelområde: 0 - 15 °
Produkter pr. hovedkasse (udvendigt): 6 stk
Maksimal vægtkapacitet: 40 kg
Ydre emballage volumen: 0.023 cm³
Maksimal skærmstørrelse kompatibilitet: 47 "
Antal understøttede skærme: 1
Minimal skærmstørrelse kompatibilitet: - "
Montering interface kompatibilitet (min.): - mm
Montering interface kompatibilitet (maks.): 225 x 200 mm
Afstand til væggen (min.): 44 mm
Afstand til væggen (maks.): 101 mm
Dybde (maks.): 46 mm
Velegnet til computerskærm: Ja

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