Craftsman CMHT77634 Manual

Læs nedenfor 📖 manual på dansk for Craftsman CMHT77634 (2 sider) i kategorien Laserwaterpas. Denne guide var nyttig for 10 personer og blev bedømt med 4.5 stjerner i gennemsnit af 2 brugere

Side 1/2
The label on your tool may include the following symbols:
V………………volts mW ……………………milliwatts
nm ……………wavelength in nanometers Class2 …………………Class 2 Laser
Ensure laser on/off switch is in the full off position by moving switch actuator to “Off” posi-(C)
tion. Remove the battery compartment cover . Insert 2 fresh 1.5 volt AA alkaline or heavy duty (D)
batteries making sure to match (+) and (-) terminals correctly. Replace battery compartment
WARNING: Batteries can explode, or leak, and can cause injury or fire.
To reduce this risk:
Carefully follow all instructions and warnings on the battery label and package.
Always insert battery correctly with regard to polarity (+ and -), marked on the battery and the
Do not short battery terminals.
Do not charge battery.
Remove dead battery immediately and dispose of per local codes.
Do not dispose of battery in fire.
Keep batteries out of reach of children.
Remove battery if the device will not be used for several months.
Transporting batteries can possibly cause fires if the battery terminals inadvertently come in con-
tact with conductive materials such as keys, coins, hand tools and the like. The US Department
of Transportation Hazardous Material Regulations (HMR) actually prohibit transporting batteries
in commerce or on airplanes (i.e. packed in suitcases and carryon luggage) UNLESS they are
properly protected from short circuits. So when transporting individual batteries, make sure that
the battery terminals are protected and well insulated from materials that could contact them
and cause a short circuit.
Laser Level · Nivel Láser · Niveau Laser
Drywall Pin
CAUTION: Pin is sharp and should be handled with care.
NOTE: (A) The drywall pin can only be used for drywall, NOT other surfaces including plaster.
To press pin into drywall, first expose pin by rotating pin base from opposite side.
While maintaining pressure on pin base, insert pin straight and seat firmly against drywall
surface as shown in . The drywall pin should always be pushed in by hand and never Figure 1
driven by a hammer.
To remove drywall pin from the wall, pull out straight.
CAUTION: Always be sure drywall pin is closed when not in use.
1). Hands free operation of the laser:
Attach drywall pin to the wall per instructions under “Drywall Pin” section. Always make sure
drywall pin is securely attached to the wall.
Attach the magnetic base of the laser to drywall pin. (E)
Move on/ off switch actuator to the “On” position to project the laser line. (C)
Rotate the laser to center horizontal or vertical bubble vials. Be sure the laser is firmly (G) (F)
attached to the drywall pin before removing support.
2). Operation of the laser:
Hold the laser firmly against the wall.
Move on/ off switch actuator to the “On” position to project the laser lines. (C)
Align laser line with appropriate mark on your work surface, rotate the laser to center horizon-
tal or vertical bubble vials. Realign laser with mark if necessary.(G) (F)
illustrates a typical application for the Laser Level when it is wall mounted.Figure 2
Operation of the laser:
Attach drywall pin to the wall per instructions under “Drywall Pin” section. Always make sure
drywall pin is securely attached to the wall.
Attach the magnetic base of the laser to drywall pin. (E)
Rotate the laser to center horizontal or vertical bubble vials. (G) (F)
Turn protractor ring to align “0” mark with Alignment Indicator . (I)
Rotate laser until indicator is at desired angle.(I)
Move on/ off switch actuator to the “On” position to project the laser line. (C)
Free hand operation of the laser:
Hold the laser firmly against a flat surface.
Move on/off switch actuator to the “On” position to project the laser line. (C)
Align laser line with appropriate marks on your work surface (common use is laying tiles or
marking plywood for cutting purpose).
DANGER: Laser Radiation, avoid direct eye exposure.
If the laser light becomes dim or is no longer visible when the switch is in the on position
check or change the battery.
The laser lines are only level on the wall against which the unit is held or hung. The short line
visible on any adjacent wall is not level. The same is true for straight line projection on a floor
or wall, the short line on any adjacent wall is not level.
The laser unit should never be used as a spirit (bubble) level. The levels are only calibrated to
the laser line when held or hung against a vertical surface.
The laser unit only generates level lines when held or hung against a vertical surface.
Make sure laser is as square as possible to flat surface to ensure proper line projection.
Always store the laser level indoors.
Use only mild soap and damp cloth to clean the tool. Never let any liquid get inside the tool; never
immerse any part of the tool into a liquid.
IMPORTANT: To assure product SAFETY and RELIABILITY, repairs, maintenance and adjust-
ment (other than those listed in this manual) should be performed by authorized service centers
or other qualified service organizations, always using identical replacement parts.
WARNING: The use of any accessory not recommended for use with this tool could be
Duration of coverage may vary; check product instructions for precise length of coverage.
To obtain the warranty coverage stated below, return a defective product with proof of sale to the
retailer from which it was purchased.
FOR ONE YEARfrom the date of sale, this product is warranted against defects in material or
WITH PROOF OF SALE, a defective product will be replaced free of charge.
This warranty does not cover expendable parts that can wear out from normal use within the
warranty period.
This warranty applies for only 90 days from the date of sale if this product is ever used while
providing commercial services or if rented to another person.
NOTE: For your convenience and safety, the following labels are on your laser: • Para su como-
didad y seguridad, el láser incluye las siguientes etiquetas: • Pour plus de commodité et de
sécurité, les étiquettes suivantes sont apposées sur votre laser:
Avoid exposure-Laser
radiation emitted from
this aperture.
A.) Drywall Pin
B.) Protractor Ring
C.) Laser On/Off Switch
D.) Battery Compartment Cover
E.) Magnetic Base
F.) Vertical Bubble Vial
G.) Horizontal Bubble Vial
H.) Laser Line
I.) Alignment Indicator
WARNING: Read and understand all instructions. Failure to follow all instructions listed below
may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious personal injury.
DANGER: Laser Radiation, avoid direct eye exposure, serious eye injury can result.
Do not use optical tools such as a telescope or transit to view the laser beam.
Do not place the laser in a position which may cause anyone to intentionally or unintentionally
stare into the laser beam. Serious eye injury could result
Do not operate the laser around children or allow children to operate the laser.
WARNING: DO NOT DISASSEMBLE THE LASER. There are no user serviceable parts inside.
Disassembling the Laser will void all warranties on the product. Do not modify the product in
any way. Modifying the tool may result in Hazardous Laser Radiation Exposure.
WARNING: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those
specified in this manual may result in hazardous laser radiation exposure.
Do not operate in explosive atmospheres, such as in the presence of flammable liquids, gases,
or dust.
Use only with the specifically designated batteries. Use of any other batteries may create a
risk of fire.
Store idle product out of reach of children and other untrained persons. Lasers are dangerous
in the hands of untrained users.
Use only accessories that are recommended by the manufacturer for your model. Accessories
that may be suitable for one laser, may create a risk of injury when used on another laser.
Repairs and servicing MUST be performed by a qualified repair facility. Repairs performed by
unqualified personnel could result in serious injury.
Do not remove or deface warning labels. Removing labels increases the risk of exposure to
Turn the laser off when it is not in use. Leaving the laser on increases the risk of staring into
the laser beam.
Position the laser securely. Damage to the laser or injury could result if the laser falls.
For indoor use only.
This product is intended for use in a temperature range of 50° F (10° C) - 104° F (40° C).”
CAUTION: Use caution when drilling, nailing or cutting into walls, floors and ceilings which
may contain electrical wiring or pipes. Always turn off the power when working near
electrical wires.
Laser diode wavelength: 630 - 680 nm (red color)
Laser Class: Class 2
Working range: Up to 15 feet (depends on light conditions)
Leveling accuracy:
Projecting right ±1/8 inch (3 mm) @ 10 feet (3 m)
Projecting up ±1/8 inch (3 mm) @ 10 feet (3 m)
Projecting left ±1/4 inch (6 mm) @ 10 feet (3 m)
Batteries: 2 AA (included)
Voltage: 3 Volts
Operating temperature: 50°F (10°C)- 104° F (40°C)
Complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No.
50, dated June 24, 2007
ADVERTENCIA: Lea y comprenda todas las instrucciones. El incumplimiento de todas y cada
una de las instrucciones enumeradas debajo puede provocar descarga eléctrica, incendio o
daños personales serios.
Radiación láser, evite la exposición directa de los ojos, pueden producirse lesiones PELIGRO:
oculares graves.
No utilice herramientas ópticas, como por ejemplo un telescopio o un teodolito para ver el rayo
No ubique el láser en una posición que pueda provocar que alguien intencional o no intencio-
nalmente fije su vista en el rayo láser. Podría provocar lesiones oculares graves
No opere el láser con niños alrededor ni permita que los niños operen el láser.
NO DESARME EL LÁSER. No contiene elementos a los que el usuario pueda ADVERTENCIA:
hacerles mantenimiento. Desarmar el Láser anulará todas las garantías del producto. No
modifique el producto de ninguna manera. La modificación de la herramienta podría provocar
exposición a radiación láser peligrosa.
ADVERTENCIA: El uso de controles o ajustes o la realización de procedimientos diferentes a
aquéllos especificados en este manual puede provocar exposición a radiación láser peligrosa.
No opere la herramienta en atmósferas explosivas, como ambientes donde se encuentran
líquidos, gases o polvo inflamables.
Utilice únicamente con las baterías recomendadas específicamente. El uso de cualquier otra
fuente de energía puede producir riesgo de incendio.
Guarde el producto que no está en uso fuera del alcance de los niños y de personas no entre-
nadas. El láser es peligroso en las manos de usuarios no entrenados.
Utilice sólo accesorios recomendados por el fabricante para el modelo que posee. Los acceso-
rios correctos para un láser pueden provocar riesgo de lesiones si se utilizan con otro láser.
Las reparaciones y el mantenimiento DEBEN ser realizados por un centro de reparaciones
calificado. Las reparaciones realizadas por personal no calificado pueden provocar lesiones
No retire ni borre las etiquetas de advertencia. El retiro de las etiquetas aumenta el riesgo de
exposición a radiación.
Apague el láser cuando no esté en uso. Dejar encendido el láser aumenta el riesgo de fijar la
vista en el rayo láser.
Coloque el láser de forma segura. Si el láser se cae, puede dañarse o provocar lesiones.
Únicamente para uso en interiores.
Este producto está diseñado para utilizarse con temperaturas entre 10ºC (50°F) y 40° (104°F).
PRECAUCIÓN: Tenga precaución al taladrar, clavar o cortar paredes, pisos y techos que
puedan contener cableado eléctrico o tuberías. Siempre desconecte la energía al trabajar
cerca de cableado eléctrico.
La etiqueta de su herramienta puede incluir los siguientes símbolos:
V……………voltios mW ……………………milivatios
nm …………longitud de ondas en nanómetros Clase2 …………………Láser de Clase 2
Evite la exposición - Por este orificio
se emite la radiación láser.
A.) Clavija para madera contrachapada
B.) Anillo transportador
C.) Interruptor de encendido/apagado del
D.) Tapa del compartimiento de las baterías
E.) Base magnética
F.) Nivel de burbuja vertical
G.) Nivel de burbuja horizontal
H.) Línea de láser
I.) Indicador de alineación
Asegúrese de que el interruptor de encendido/apagado del láser esté en la posición de apa-(C)
gado girando el actuador del interruptor a la posición “Off”. Retire la tapa del compartimiento de
las baterías . Inserte 2 baterías alcalinas AA de 1,5 voltios o baterías para trabajos pesados (D)
nuevas y asegúrese de que los terminales (+) y (-) coincidan correctamente. Vuelva a colocar la
tapa del compartimiento de las baterías.
ADVERTENCIA: Las baterías pueden explotar o perder, y pueden provocar lesiones o
Para disminuir este riesgo:
Siga cuidadosamente todas las instrucciones y las advertencias de la etiqueta y el envase de
la batería.

Produkt Specifikationer

Mærke: Craftsman
Kategori: Laserwaterpas
Model: CMHT77634

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