Emerson SmartSet CKS1800 Manual

Emerson Wekkerradio SmartSet CKS1800

Læs nedenfor 📖 manual på dansk for Emerson SmartSet CKS1800 (2 sider) i kategorien Wekkerradio. Denne guide var nyttig for 3 personer og blev bedømt med 4.5 stjerner i gennemsnit af 2 brugere

Side 1/2
1.) (Alarm 1 'Buzzer') Indicator.
2.) (Alarm 1 'Radio') Indicator.
3.) Indicator. AM
4.) Time/Date Display.
5.) (Alarm 2 'Buzzer') Indicator.
6.) (Alarm 2 'Radio') Indicator.
7.) . Indicator. LOW BATT
8.) AC adapter (Back Cabinet).
9.) Setting / MONTH/DATE
Station Button.
10.) Setting / Select Button.TIME
11.) / Button.TIME ZONE
12.) Button (Sleep To Music Timer).SLEEP
Note: For buttons displayed with additional font or icons,
they have multiple function at different operation mode. Generally, the
functions displayed in font are for operation when Radio is ON.
IM PO RTANT: Sm ar tS et Th e first ti me y ou c on ne ct you r new clo ck rad io to th e
AC o ut le t the in tern al c ompu te r wi ll a ut omat ic ally s et t he time co rrec tl y fo r th e
Eas tern Time Zone, wh ich is the initi al d efau lt setting. T he d ispl ay w ill scan for a
few seconds and the n sh ow t he c orre ct a nd in th e Ea ster n zone. If y ouDay Tim e
live in the Eastern Time zone, there's nothing else to do. Your clock is set correctly
and running.
If y ou d o n o t l iv e in t he E a ste rn Time z one y ou m us t ch a n ge t he d ef a u lt zon e
display to your own zone. You only do this one time and the will rememberSmart Set
th e ne w defa ult zo ne set ti ng a nd wil l al wa ys r etur n to tha t se tt in g af ter a po we r
The re a re 7 time zo nes prog rammed i nto your clo ck r adio as follows : Sma rt Set
ZONE 1Atlantic Time ZONE 2 — Eastern Time (Default Setting)
ZONE 3 — Central Time ZONE 4 — Mountain Time
ZONE 5 — Pacific Time ZONE 6 — Yukon Time
To c h a n g e t h e d e f a u l t t i m e z o n e d is p l a y ,
dep re ss t he b u t to n . Th e n umb e rTIME ZO NE
" " wil l appear on the disp lay indi cating that the2
default zone is ZONE 2, Eastern Time.
ZONE 7 — Hawaiian Time
1.) Read these instructions. Keep these instructions. Follow all instructions. Heed all warnings.
2.) Do not use this apparatus near water.
3.) Clean only with dry cloth.
4.) Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
5.) Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus
(including amplifiers) that produce heat.
6.) Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two
blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding
prong. The wide blade or the third prong is provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not
t into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.
7.) Protec t the power cord from bei ng walked on or pinched pa rticularly a t plugs, convenience
receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.
8.) Only use attachments / accessories specified by the manufacturer.
9.) Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.
10.) Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has
been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled
or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture,
does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
11.) Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer, or
sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution when moving the
cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.
12.) The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and that no
objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on apparatus.
13.) Mains plug is used as disconnect device and it should remain readily
operable during intended use. In order to disconnect the apparatus from the
mains completely, the mains plug should be disconnected from the mains
socket outlet completely.
14.) Battery shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like.
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with theCAUTION:
same or equivalent type.
PRÉCAUTION: Danger d’explosion si les piles sont remplaes de facon incorrect. Remplacer
les piles seulement par le méme type de pile ou léquivalent.
Thank you for p urchasi ng th is Eme rson SmartSe t Dual Alarm Clock Radio.
This clock radio uses Emers on's p atente d Smar tSet Aut omatic Time Settin g Sys tem.
Th e f i rs t t im e y o u c on n ec t t hi s c l oc k r a di o t o y ou r AC o u tl e t, an d a ft e re ve ry po w er
interruption , wit hin se conds the c lock will a utomat ically set itself t o t h e c o r re c t Ye a r,
Mo n th , D a te , D ay, a nd Ti m e. In ad d it io n a l l c ha ng e s from Standard Time to Daylight
Saving Time, and back to Standard Time, are made automatically.
Th ere a re du al al ar ms th at ca n be se t and u sed i nd epe nd ent ly, a nd bo th of the a la rms
can be pro gramme d for every day op eratio n, wee kdays only, or weekends only.
There is a long life lithium battery installed in this clock radio when you buy it.
This battery can maintain the time and alarm settings for 3 to 5 years, or even longer.
We ha ve ta ken e ve ry pr eca ut ion t o mak e sur e thi s rad io w as in p erf ect w or kin g ord er
when it left our factory. If you encounter any problems with the set up or op er ati on of t his
it em, p lea se ca ll t he Em ers on Co ns ume r Pro du cts C or p.,
Customer Service Hotline, toll free, at .1 -800-898-9020
FCC Informat ion
Thi s equipment has been tested and foun d to comply with the limits for a Class B
dig ital dev ice, pursuan t to Part 15 of the FCC Rule s. The se l imit s are de sign ed to
pr ov id e r ea s o n a b l e p ro t e c t io n a ga in st h a r mfu l i n t e rf e r e n ce in a re s i d e n ti al
installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
in te rf er en ce t o ra d i o c o m mu n i c a t io n s. Ho we ve r, t he re i s n o g u a r a n t ee t h a t
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful int erfe rence to rad io o r te levision rec epti on, which ca n be det ermined by
tur n i ng t he e qu i p me n t o f f a n d on , t h e u s er is e nco ur ag e d t o tr y to c or re ct t he
interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Con ne ct t he equ ipme nt i nto an o ut le t on a c ir cu it d iffer en t from tha t to whi ch
the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/T V technician for help.
Op e r at e co n t ro ls a n d s w it ch es a s
described in the manual.
Bef o r e t u rni ng o n t he p o wer, ma k e
c e r t a i n t h a t t h e A C a d a p t e r i s
properly installed.
When moving the set, be sure to first
disconnect the AC adapter.
Av o i d i n st a ll in g t h is u n it i n p l ac es
exp osed to dire ct s unli ght or close to
he a t r ad ia t i n g a p pl ia nc es su c h a s
electric heaters, on top of other stereo
equ i p me nt t h at ra d i at e s t o o mu ch
heat, places lacking ventilation or dusty
a re a s, p l a c e s s u b j e ct t o co n s t a n t
vibration and/or humid or moist areas.
Re mo ve t he r adio f ro m th e ca rt on a nd r emove al l pa ckin g ma terial f ro m th e
radio. We suggest that you save the packing material, if possible, in the unlikely
event that your radio ever needs to be returned for service. The original carton
and pac king materia l is the onl y sa fe w ay t o pa ck your radi o to pro tect it from
damage in transit.
Remove any descript ive labe ls o r st icke rs o n th e front or t op o f the ca bine t. D o
n o t r em o v e a n y l ab e ls o r s t i ck er s f ro m t h e b a c k o r b o tt o m o f t h e c a b i n e t .
Not e th e serial number on t he b ottom of you r ra dio and writ e th is n umbe r in the
space provided on the Warranty page of this manual.
Pla ce your radi o on a l evel surface suc h as a t able , de sk o r sh elf, con veni ent
to an AC ou tlet , ou t of direct sunl ight , an d away f rom sources of e xcess he at,
dirt, dust, moisture, humidity, or vibration.
Unw ind the Line cord co nnec ting the AC adap ter and exte nd i t to its full le ngth .
The F M an tenn a is bui lt i n to this co rd. It m ust be f ully extende d to pro vide the
best FM reception.
Th is m od el is eq uipp ed with no n-skid rub be r 'f eet' t o prev en t th e prod uct from
mov ing when you ope rate the controls. These ' feet ' are ma de from non- migratin g
rub ber mate rial spe cial ly f ormu late d to avo id l eavi ng a ny m arks or stains o n yo ur
furniture. However certain types of oil based furniture polishes, wood preservatives,
or c le an in g sp ra ys may c au se t he rub be r 'fee t' t o so ft en , an d le av e ma rk s or a
rubber residue on the furniture. To prevent any damage to your furniture we strongly
recommend that you purchase small self-adhesive felt pads, available at hardware
sto res and home imp rove ment cen ters eve rywh ere, and app ly t hese pad s to the
bottom of t he rubbe r 'f eet' bef ore you place th e pr oduc t on fine wo oden furniture.
Th is r ad io is de si gn ed t o op erat e on n or ma l 12 0V 6 0Hz AC p ow er o nly. Do no t
att empt to operate the radi o on any oth er p ower sou rce. You cou ld c ause dam age
to the radio that is not covered by your warranty.
Th is d ev ic e co mp lies with Pa rt 1 5 of t he FCC R ules. Op erat io n is s ub je ct t o th e
following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This devi ce must acce pt a ny interfere nce rece ived , in clud ing interference
that may cause undesired operation.
Ch an ge s or mod if ic atio ns n ot e xp ress ly a pp ro ve d by the p arty res pons ib le for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
5 2
13.) Speaker (Back Cabinet).
14.) ALARM 1 Setting / Button.
15.) Setting / Button.ALARM 2
16.) MODE Button. (Weekdays l WEEK
Weekends l Everyday Alarm)
17.) / Button.SET -
18.) / Button.SET +
19.) RADIO ON/OFF Button.
21.) Back Up Battery Compartment
(Bottom Cabinet).
Ho ld t he b ut to n and th en p re ss e ithe r th e (u p) o r (d ow n) TIME ZONE SE T +
buttons until your own time zone appears on the display, then release the buttons.
The clo ck d ispl ay w ill chan ge t o th e co rrec t time i n the ti me zone you sele cted.
The clock will always return to the correct time in the zone you selected after every
power interruption.
If you move to a different time zone, simply change the default zone display to the
new zone and the SmartSet will remember that setting for you.
To see the correct date at any time, depress the button. The displayMONTH/DATE
Changes from time to Month and Date (MM/DD).
For example, May 21st will appear as “ 5.21” .
When you release the buttonMONTH/DATE
the display returns to the correct time.
To see the correct year, depress the and buttons together.MONTH/DATE TIME
The display changes from time to year.
When you release the and MONTH/DATE
TIME buttons the display returns to the
correct time.
If t h e ra di o or b uzz er is ' Off ' , t o v i e w t he c o rre ct ' ', d ep re ss t h eDay of We e k
WEE K Da y o f We e k b u t t o n. Th e d isp l a y wil l c h a n g e f ro m T i me to . Wh e n
you release the button the display returns to the correct Time.WEEK
If t he r a d io o r b uz ze r i s ' On ' , t o vi e w t h e co rre ct ' ', p re ss th eDa y o f We e k
RADIO ON/OFF Button first to stop the radio or buzzer,
then depress the button, display will changeWEEK
from Time to ' '. When you release the Day of Week
WEEK button the display returns to the correct Time.
Note: From d1,d2 to d7 stand for from Monday ,Tuesday to Sunday separately.
Al l Da yl ig ht S av in g an d L e a p Ye a r ad ju st me n t s ar e m a d e a u t om a t ic a l l y b y
the SmartSet internal computer as follows:
Start of Daylight Saving Time:
At " 2 : 0 0 A M " o n t h e 2 n d Su n d ay in M arc h , th e c l oc k wil l a u t o ma t i ca l ly
advance to "3:00 AM".
End of Daylight Saving Time:
At ' 3:0 0 AM' on the 1 st S un da y in N o v em be r, t he clo c k wil l a u to ma tic a lly
reset to "2:00 AM".
Leap Year:
At "1 2 : 0 0 M id ni gh t " o n F e b ru a ry 2 8 th , t h e c a le n da r d i s p l a y wi ll c h a n g e
to "2.29".
Some people like to set their clocks 5 to 10 minutes fast to make sure that they will
always be on time. Even though the SmartSet sets the time by itself, you still have
the option of adjusting the time manually if you wish.
To manually adjust the time display depress and hold the button, and pressTIME
eit her the SET + or - buttons to adju st t he t ime disp lay ahea d or back as des ired .
Each press of the or buttons will change the display by one minute. If youSET + -
hold th e or buttons the display will contin ue t o ch ange . The dis play wil lSE T + -
change slowly at first, one minute at a time. But if you continue holding the orSET +
- buttons the display will change rapidly.
NOTE: I f y ou ma n ua ll y a d j u s t th e t i me , y o u r n e w s et t i n g i s e n t e re d i n t o t h e
Sma r tSe t me mo ry. If t he pow e r is in t er ru p t ed , th e dis p la y will re t ur n to y ou r
new setting, not the original setting, when the power is restored.
You r Smar tS et clo ck rad io h as t wo s ep ar ate al arms t ha t ca n be s et a nd u se d
ind epen dently. You m ay u se t he a larms to wake tw o pe ople at different time s, o r
you may use one ala rm f or weekdays and the othe r fo r we eken d wa ke u p times.
Th e proc edur e for ad ju stin g th e wa ke u p time is th e sa me for b ot h Al arm 1 an d
Alarm 2.
1.) D epr e ss a nd h old eit h er t he o r ALA RM 1
s et t ing b ut t o n. Th e disp lay wi ll ALA RM 2
change from the correct ti me t o the Alarm 1
o r Al ar m 2 wa ke u p time.
2.) Wh il e ho ld in g th e o r s et ting b ut to n, d ep re ss e it he r th eAL ARM 1 ALARM 2
SET + - or button to move the display ahead or back to your desired wake up time.
3.) When the desired wake up time appears on the display, release the SET + or -
NOTE: Be sure that you have set the wake up time correctly by observing the AM
indicator. If the AM indicator is 'On ' the wake up time is "AM". If the AM indicator is
'Off', the wake up time is "PM".
4.) When the desired wake up time (AM or PM) appears on the display, release the
or setting buttons.ALARM 1 ALARM 2
Your SmartSet clock radio allows you to select from among three different alarm
operation modes for either alarm. The alarm modes are:
the alarm will turn on all 7 days. Everyday
the alarm will only turn on Monday through Friday; Weekdays only
the alarm will only turn on Saturday and Sunday. Weekends only
To check the Alarm Mode setting for Alarm1, depress the ALARM 1 setting button.
The display will show the Alarm 1 wake up time and the DAY OF WEEK indicators
will show you the alarm mode which is selected.
Front Panel
Top Panel
S m a r t S e t C l o c k R a d i o ,
With Auto-Time Setting System,
Dual Alarms,
(U.S. Patent No. 6,567,344)
Thi s is C LAS S II ap parat us wi th d oubl e ins ula tion , an d no pr otec tive e art h prov ide d.
The Caution Marking located at the bottom enclosure of the apparatus.
Visit our web si te at www emersonradio com . .
Unpacking And Set Up
Protect Your Furniture
Power Source
This radio should be connected to an AC outlet that
is always 'live'. Do not connect it to an outlet that is
con trol led by a wal l switch . Wh en t he p ower to the
radio is interrupted, the built in lithium battery takes
ove r to mai n t ain th e ti m e a n d a la rm set ti ng s . To
maximize the life of the lithium battery keep the radio
connected to a 'live' AC outlet at all times.
Setting The Time, The F irst Time
Date Display
Year Display
'Day of Week' Display
Daylight Saving and Leap Year Adjustments
Manual Time Adjustments
Selecting Th e Alarm Week Mode
Adjusting The Wake Up Times
The lightning flash with arrow-
hea d sy mbo l, w ith in an equ i-
lat er al tr ian gle is in ten de d to
alert the us er t o t he p resenc e
of uninsulated 'dangerous voltage'
withi n th e p roduct' s e nclosu re
t h a t m a y b e o f s u f f i c i e n t
magni tude to consti tute a risk
of el ec t ri c s ho ck to pe r so ns .
Th e e x cl am at io n p oi n t w it hi n
a n e q u il a t er a l tr i a ng l e i s i n -
t e n d e d t o a l e r t t h e u s e r t o
t h e p r e s e n c e o f i m p o r t a n t
o p e r at i n g an d m a in t e n a n c e
( s e r v i c i n g ) i n s t r u c t i o n s i n
t h e l i t e r a t u r e a c c o m p a n y -
i n g t h e a p p l i a n c e .

Produkt Specifikationer

Mærke: Emerson
Kategori: Wekkerradio
Model: SmartSet CKS1800

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