Fluval T50 Manual

Læs nedenfor 📖 manual på dansk for Fluval T50 (2 sider) i kategorien Varmeapparat. Denne guide var nyttig for 22 personer og blev bedømt med 4.5 stjerner i gennemsnit af 2 brugere

Side 1/2
80 US Gal / 300 L
T 3 0 0
65 US Gal / 200 L
T 2 0 0
45 US Gal / 150 L
T 1 5 0
30 US Gal / 100 L
T 1 0 0
15 US Gal / 50 L
T 5 0
The Fluval Heater is guaranteed for defective parts and workmanship for a period of two years
from the date of purchase. This guarantee is valid with proof of purchase only. The guarantee
is limited to repair or replacement only and does not cover consequential loss, loss or damage
to livestock and personal property or damage to animate or inanimate objects, irrespective
of the cause thereof. This guarantee is valid only under normal operating conditions for
which the unit is intended. It excludes any damage caused by unreasonable use, negligence,
improper installation, tampering, abuse or commercial use. The warranty does not cover wear
and tear, breakage of glass or parts which have not been adequately or correctly maintained.
LIMITED TIME OFFER! Register this product online within 30 days of purchase and Fluval
will extend your current warranty at no charge. The extended warranty is subject to provisions
outlined within the standard Fluval warranty. Complete details and registration available at:
For Authorized Warranty Service please return (well packaged and by registered post) to
the address below enclosing dated receipt and reason for return.
If you have any queries or comments about the operation of this product, please let us try
to help you before you return the product to your retailer. Most queries can be
handled promptly with a phone call. When you call (or write), please have all relevant
information such as model number, age of product, details of aquarium set-up, as well
as the nature of the problem.
CANADA: Consumer Repair, Rolf C. Hagen Inc., 20500 Trans Canada Hwy,
Baie-D’Urfé, QC, H9X 0A2
Canada only: 1-800-554-2436 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Ask for Customer Service.
U.S.A.: Rolf C. Hagen (U.S.A.) Corp., 305 Forbes Blvd, Mansfield, MA 02048
U.S.A only: 1-800-724-2436 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
Ask for Customer Service.
UK: Rolf C. Hagen (UK) Ltd, Customer Service Department, California Drive,
Whitwood Ind Est., Castleford, West Yorkshire WF10 5QH
U.K. only: Helpline Number 01977 521015. Between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.,
Monday to Thursday and 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).
11. The power cord of this appliance cannot be replaced; if the cord is damaged, the
appliance should be discarded. Never cut the cord.
CAUTION: This or any heater must never be operated outside of water.
CAUTION: To prevent corrosion or deterioration of materials that could lead to electric
shock, use only with fresh water.
(For North America only) This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider
than the other). As a safety feature, this plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way.
If the plug does not fit fully into the outlet, reverse the plug. If the plug will still not
fit fully into the outlet, contact a qualified electrician to inspect the outlet and make the
needed alterations. Never use with an extension cord unless the plug can be fully
inserted. Do not attempt to defeat this safety feature.
Note: It is recommended to ll the aquarium with water that is close to the desired
temperature you are trying to achieve. The aquarium heater must be positioned to allow for
free circulation of water around the glass heater tube. Generally, the heater should be placed
at the rear of the aquarium, preferably close to a source of water movement to ensure even
and thorough distribution of warmed water. Be sure there are no rocks, decorations or gravel
obstructions touching the heater to create uneven heat in the glass tube and weaken it.
CAUTION - Water level should never fall below the minimum water line indicated on the
glass heater tube. Always maintain the water level in the aquarium to compensate for
water loss due to evaporation. Note: In absence of water the Fluval T-Series heater
automatically cuts power to prevent overheating.
1. Select the appropriate temperature by adjusting the Temperature Dial to the appropriate
degree calibration.
2. Position the heater in the aquarium with the heater mounting bracket attached.
Press suction cups firmly against glass to adhere to the aquarium wall. Wait 30 minutes
before connecting to the electrical outlet. This allows the heater to adjust to the
aquarium water temperature.
3. Note that it may take up to 12 hours for the heater to attain the water temperature
you have selected. It is only after this time that the Temperature Dial dial should
be adjusted to achieve a higher or lower temperature, as required.
4. The Heat indicator ring will illuminate in red when the unit is heating to initially
achieve or subsequently maintain a set temperature. Once the selected temperature
is attained, the unit will stop heating and the Heat indicator ring will illuminate in blue.
5. The temperature should be verified with an accurate thermometer after the heater
has reached the desired temperature, before any fish are added to the aquarium, and
throughout the life of the aquarium.
CAUTION: Unplug all appliances in the aquarium before placing hands
in the water. Unplug the heater and allow it to cool for at least
30 minutes before taking it out of the water. Clean the heater regularly to
remove deposits that could impair the heater performance. Deposits on the heater can
be removed by soaking it in vinegar, then rinsing with fresh water before repositioning it
in the aquarium. DO NOT USE chemical cleaners.
This heater was designed to reach and maintain the set temperature, provided that the
maximum difference between the ambient and set temperature is less than 10°F (6°C).
Variables such as lower room temperature, wide temperature fluctuations, lack of an
aquarium cover, presence of pumps and filters or aquarium placement in proximity to
cooling sources may require a higher wattage for proper control. If the set temperature
is not reached in all conditions, it will probably be necessary to increase the heating
power. NOTE: You may need to upgrade or add a second heater depending on ambient
room temperature. The heater cannot cool water from a higher temperature to a
lower temperature.
WARNINGTo guard against injury, basic safety precautions should be observed, including
the following:
and all the important notices on the appliance before using the heater. Failure to do
so may result in loss of fish life and/or damage to this appliance.
2. DANGER - To avoid possible electric shock, special care should be taken since water is
employed in the use of aquarium equipment. For each of the following situations, do not
attempt repairs yourself; return the appliance to an authorized service facility for service or
discard the appliance.
A. If the appliance shows any sign of abnormal water leakage or if RCD (or GFCI - Ground
Fault Current Interrupter) switches off, disconnect the power supply cord from main power
supply and remove it from water.
B. Carefully examine the appliance after installation. It should not be plugged in if there
is water on parts not intended to be wet. Prior to installation, carefully check and make
sure the glass tube is not fractured. WARNING! The heater casing is made of glass.
Handle the unit with care at all times.
C. Do not operate any appliance if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is malfunctioning
or if it is dropped or damaged in any manner. The power cord of this appliance
cannot be replaced; if the cord is damaged, the appliance should be discarded.
Never cut the cord.
D. To avoid the possibility of the appliance plug or electrical outlet getting wet, position
the appliance to one side of a wall mounted outlet to prevent water from dripping
onto the outlet or plug. A drip-loop” (ill A) should be
arranged. The drip-loop” is that part of the cord below the
level of the outlet, or the connector if an extension cord is
used, to prevent water from traveling along the cord and
coming in contact with the outlet. If the plug or outlet does
get wet, unplug the electrical cord. Disconnect the fuse DON’T
or circuit breaker that supplies power to the appliance, then
unplug and examine for presence of water in the outlet.
WARNING This appliance can be used by children aged from 3 years and above
and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience
and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of
appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play
with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children
without supervision.
4. To avoid injury, do not contact hot parts.
CAUTION - Always unplug or disconnect all appliances in the aquarium from
electricity supply before placing hands in water, before putting on or taking off parts
and while the equipment is being installed, maintained or handled. When inserting or
removing the heater from the water, always pull out the main electricity plug and do
not pull the equipment out of the water until it has been allowed to cool for at
least 30 minutes. Never yank cord to pull plug from outlet. Grasp the plug and pull
to disconnect. Always unplug an appliance from an outlet when not in use.
6. This appliance is an aquarium heater for use in ornamental aquariums. Do not use this
appliance for other than its intended use (i.e.: don’t use it with inflammable or drinkable
liquids, in garden ponds, swimming pools, bathtubs, etc., or other situations where
people are immersed). This appliance is suitable for use in water temperatures up to
35°C. The use of attachments not recommended or sold by the appliance manufacturer
may cause an unsafe condition.
7. This heater is suitable for INDOOR/HOUSEHOLD use only. Do not install or store the
appliance where it will be exposed to the weather or to temperatures below freezing.
8. Make sure that the heater is securely installed before operating it. The heater must
be immersed in water at least up to the Minimum Water Level “min. indicated
(but without exceeding the depth of 39.5 ). This aquarium heater must never " / 1 m
operate outside of water (see illustration B).
9. If an extension cord is necessary, a cord with proper rating should be used. A cord rated
for less amperes or watts than the appliance rating may overheat. Care should be taken
to arrange the cord so that it will not be tripped over or pulled. The connection should
be carried out by a qualified electrical installer.
10. Never use with an extension cord unless plug can be fully inserted. Do not attempt to
defeat this safety feature.
MISE EN GARDE Pour éviter toute blessure, il faut observer des précautions élémentaires
de sécuri, notamment celles qui suivent :
et tous les avis importants indiqués sur l’appareil avant d’utiliser
le chauffe-eau. Le non-respect des instructions peut entraîner la perte de poissons et des
dommages à lappareil.
2. DANGER - Pour éviter tout risque de choc électrique, il faut faire preuve de la plus grande
prudence, puisque de l’eau est utilisée à proximi de l’équipement pour aquariums. Dans
chacune des situations suivantes, ne pas essayer de réparer l’appareil soi-même; le retourner
plutôt à un service autorisé de réparations ou le jeter.
A. Si l’appareil montre un signe de fuite anormale d’eau ou si le dispositif différentiel (ou
disjoncteur de fuite de terre) s’éteint, débrancher d’abord le cordon de la prise murale et
retirer ensuite l’appareil de l’eau.
B. Avant l’installation, vérifier soigneusement l’appareil et s’assurer que le tube de verre nest
pas brisé. Examiner attentivement l’appareil après l’installation. Ne pas le brancher sil
y a de l’eau sur des pièces qui ne doivent pas être mouillées. AVERTISSEMENT!
Le boîtier du chauffe-eau est fait en verre. Manipuler lappareil avec soin en tout temps.
C. Ne pas utiliser un appareil dont la fiche ou le cordon sont endommagés, qui ne fonctionne pas
bien ou qui est tombé ou qui a été endommagé de quelque manière que ce soit. Le cordon
d’alimentation de cet appareil ne peut pas être remplacé; si le cordon est endommagé, il faut
jeter l’appareil. Ne jamais couper le cordon.
D. Pour éviter toute possibilité que la fiche de l’appareil ou la prise soient mouillées, placer
le meuble et l’aquarium à d’une prise de courant murale afin d’empêcher l’eau de
s’écouler dans la prise. Lutilisateur doit former une « boucle
d’égouttement » (voir ill. A) avec chaque cordon d’alimentation
qui relie un appareil à la prise. La « boucle d’égouttement » est
la partie courbée du cordon d’alimentation qui se trouve sous la
prise, ou le raccord si une rallonge est utilisée, afin d’éviter que
l’eau s’écoule le long du cordon et entre en contact avec la prise. Si
la fiche ou la prise de courant sont mouillées, NE PAS débrancher
le cordon. Mettre d’abord hors circuit le fusible ou le disjoncteur qui fournit l’électricité à la
prise, puis débrancher l’appareil. rifier qu’il n’y a pas deau dans la prise.
AVERTISSEMENT Cet appareil peut être utilipar des enfants de 3 ans et plus ainsi
que par des personnes aux capacités physiques, sensorielles ou mentales réduites, ou qui
manquent d’expérience et de connaissances, si elles sont sous la surveillance d’une personne
responsable de leur sécurité ou qu’elles ont reçu les directives cessaires à l’utilisation de
cet équipement. Toujours surveiller les enfants pour les empêcher de jouer avec l’appareil.
Le nettoyage et lentretien ne doivent pas être effectués par les enfants sans surveillance.
4. Afin d’éviter les blessures, ne pas toucher de pièces chaudes.
5. ATTENTION - Toujours débrancher tous les appareils à l’intérieur de l’aquarium de la prise
de courant avant de se mettre les mains dans l’eau, d’insérer ou de retirer des pièces et avant
d’installer, d’entretenir ou de manipuler l’équipement. Après l’avoir débranché de la prise
murale, laisser l’appareil refroidir pendant au moins 30 minutes avant de le retirer de l’eau ou
de le déposer dans l’aquarium. Ne jamais tirer sur le cordon d’alimentation pour débrancher
l’appareil. Prendre plutôt la fiche entre les doigts, puis la tirer. Toujours débrancher les
appareils de la prise de courant quand ils ne sont pas utilisés.
6. Cet appareil est un chauffe-eau pour aquariums décoratifs. Ne pas utiliser cet appareil pour un
usage autre que celui pour lequel il a été prévu (c.-à-d. ne pas l’utiliser avec des liquides
inflammables ou potables, dans des jardins aquatiques, des piscines, des baignoires, etc., ou
d’autres endroits des personnes sont dans l’eau). Cet appareil convient à des aquariums
dont la température de l’eau est au plus 35 ºC. L’utilisation d’accessoires ni recommandés ni
vendus par le fabricant de lappareil peut être source de situations dangereuses.
7. Ce chauffe-eau convient à un usage DOMESTIQUE ET À L’INRIEUR seulement.

Produkt Specifikationer

Mærke: Fluval
Kategori: Varmeapparat
Model: T50

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