Kunft KTMP4061BK Manual

Kunft Medieafspiller KTMP4061BK

Læs nedenfor 📖 manual på dansk for Kunft KTMP4061BK (2 sider) i kategorien Medieafspiller. Denne guide var nyttig for 3 personer og blev bedømt med 4.5 stjerner i gennemsnit af 2 brugere

Side 1/2
Dear client,
Thank you for purchasing
this product.
The quality of this appliance
has been certied by several
laboratory tests. This instructions
manual is provided to simplify
the use of the appliance as well
as to guarantee a safe use.
Please read carefully the
instructions and safety measures
described in this manual.
We sincerely hope you will be
satised when using your new
Risk of electric
Do not open
Warning: to avoid the risk
of electric shock, do not remove
the cover. The interior does not
contain any parts that can be
repaired by the user. Ask for
assistance from the Customer
Support Service.
Important Warnings
Before using your appliance read
these instructions manual care-
fully and keep it in a safe place
as you may need to consult it in
the future.
Before turning on your appliance,
and to ensure a safe and correct
operation, do not use if:
- It has fallen to the ground;
- You notice any evidence of
- Any anomaly occurs during its
To avoid hazards or deterioration
of your appliance through incor-
rect use it is advisable to read
these instructions thoroughly.
Your appliance should not be
used for other purposes than
the ones intended and solely for
household use. Any damage re-
sulting from using the appliance
outside this scope, any incorrect
use, as well as any manual modi-
cations to the product will not be
covered and automatically voids
the warranty.
In case of malfunction, take your
appliance to the Customer Sup-
port Service for assistance.
This appliance can be used by
children from the age of 8 and
by people with reduced physi-
cal, sensorial or mental capabi-
lities and / or lack of experien-
ce and knowledge if they have
been given instructions on
using the appliance safely and
if they understand the hazar-
ds involved. Children may not
play with the appliance. Cle-
aning and maintenance must
not be carried out by children
without supervision.
These instructions are also avai-
lable at www.suporteworten.pt
1.1. Power Supply
Make sure the main voltage is
compatible with the appliance’s.
If this is not the case, please
consult the Customer Support
1.2. Power Cord
and Other Cables
Do not tangle the cord or pull it
to disconnect the appliance. Also,
keep the cord away from warm
Never use the appliance if it has a
damaged cable or socket.
Take it to the Customer Support
Ser vice for replacement.
1.3. Humidity and Water
Do not use your appliance in hu-
mid places. Do not allow the ap-
pliance to become wet under any
circumstances as this may be
dangerous. To avoid re hazard
or electric shock do not expose
your appliance to humidity or
water. Furthermore, do not place
your appliance under water (e.g.
for cleaning).
1.4. Cleaning
Before cleaning, be sure to switch
off the appliance and remove the
plug from the main power sup-
ply. Always allow the unit to cool
down before cleaning.
To clean the exterior of the pro-
duct, use a dry soft cloth only.
1.5. General Precautions
Please follow the instructions
in the user manual which will
help you to properly install and
operate this product and enjoy
its advanced features. Please
keep the instructions for future
Read all instructions before
using the product.
Maintenance and service opera-
tions are only to be carried out
by authorized professionals.
Any damage caused by manual
modications to the product is
not covered by the warranty.
If this product is used for other
purposes than the ones origi-
nally intended, or if it is not cor-
rectly connected, the product
may become damaged and the
warranty will be voided.
2.1. Product Description
New Generation Digital
Portable Player
Supports multiple music formats
including MP3, providing perfect
sound quality, stability and ele-
gant design.
Unique Features
Elegant design and easy to use
Multi-code Player
Supports MP3 format
instructions manual
manual de instrucciones
manual de instruções
Imported, produced and distributed by:
Importado, producido y distribuido por:
Importado, produzido e distribuído por:
Worten, equipamentos para o lar, S.A.
Rua João Mendonça nº 505
4464-503 Senhora da Hora - Portugal
mini mp3 player
1. Brief Player View
Play | Pause
SD slot
Backward VOL -
VOL +Forward
2. Key Button Functions
1. Start / Play / Pause / Stop,
press the buttonPlay
2. ON / OFF: turns the MP3
player on or off
3. + / - : to adjust the volume
| goes to the next song or
speeds forward
goes to the previous song
or skips backward
2.2. Product usage
Turning the device On / Off
Please make sure the switch is
Short press to turn the Play
player on when the player is off.
Long press to turn the player Play
off when the player is working.
Play & Stop
Short press Play to play les.
Short press to pause when a Play
le is playing.
Playing Music
Basic Operations
1. Connect earphones to your
2. Press the Power switch to turn
on the player. The device’s
light is now on.
3. Select music
| to select the previous
◄ to select the next song
6. Adjust the volume
7. + / - Press to adjust the
2.3. Maintenance
Make sure the power switch is
on when you are about to charge
the device, otherwise the player
might not charge properly. It will
take approximately 1 hour to be
fully charged the battery.
Disconnect the player and char-
ger if you want to stop charging.
Turn the player off when you do
not use it for a long time.
Please note the li-polymer battery
will keep consuming energy, so
even if the device is off for a long
time, it needs to be periodically
charged (at least charge it once
a month).
2.4. Troubleshooting
No power
Check to see if the battery is
Check to see if the player is
No sound from earphones
Check to see if the Volume is
set to “0” and properly connect
the earphones.
Make sure your earphones are
clean and in good conditions.
A damaged MP3 le may cause
noise and might not be played.
Please make sure that all music
les are not damaged.
Music download failure
Check to see if the USB cable
is damaged and properly con-
Check to see if the driver is pro-
perly installed.
Check to see if the memory
space is enough.
Supports MP3 format
Includes a Micro SD slot
and USB port
KUNFT has designed this ap-
pliance in order to guarantee
maximum reliability. However, if a
problem occurs do not attempt to
open the appliance - there is a risk
of electrical shock. If you are not
able to solve the problem, plea-
se contact the Customer Support
Service of any Worten, Modelo or
Continente store in order to be
assisted. Worten Equipamentos
para o Lar provides a 2-year war-
ranty for manufacturing defects
from the date of purchase of the
WARNING: any attempt to repair
the appliance without contacting
the manufacturer or seller will
void the warranty.
All users must be familiar with
these instructions. Knowing what
could go wrong can help prevent
problems from occurring.
In order to protect the environ-
ment, we strive to reduce the vo-
lume of packaging used, limiting
it to three easily sorted materials:
cardboard, paper and plastic.
The appliance is manufactured
using recyclable materials after
disassembled by a specialized
Please comply with local
regulations concerning the
recycling of all materials.
We reserve the right to make
changes to this manual on the
basis of function changes wi-
thout prior notice.
If you nd the operations of your
player are not the same as the
instructions in this manual, plea-
se visit our website for the latest
product information.
Worten hereby declares that
this equipment (6880423 - MP3
in compliance with Directive
2014/53/EU of the European
Parliament and of the Council
of 16 April 2014. The full
declaration is available at the
following Internet address:
Estimado cliente:
Gracias por adquirir este
Este aparato p1-ha sido sometido
a diversas pruebas que avalan
su calidad. Este manual
de instrucciones está destinado
a facilitar el uso del aparato
y garantizar un uso seguro.
Lea atentamente las
instrucciones, así como las
medidas de seguridad descritas
en este manual.
Esperamos sinceramente que
esté satisfecho con su nuevo
Peligro de
No abrir
Atención: para evitar el riesgo
de electrocución, no abra esta
unidad. Su interior no contiene
elementos que puedan ser
reparados por el usuario. Acuda
al Servicio de Atención al Cliente
para obtener asistencia.
Avisos importantes
Antes de usar el aparato, lea
atentamente este manual de ins-
trucciones y guárdelo en un lugar
seguro, pues puede tener que
consultarlo en el futuro.
Antes de encender el aparato, y
a n de garantizar su utilización
de forma correcta y segura, no lo
utilice si:
- Se p1-ha caído al suelo;
- Nota alguna señal de daño;
- Se produce alguna anomalía
durante su funcionamiento.
Para evitar posibles peligros y el
deterioro del aparato debido a un
uso incorrecto, se recomienda
que lea atentamente las instruc-
Este aparato no deberá ser uti-
lizado para otros nes que no
sean los previstos en el manual
y únicamente para uso domésti-
co. Cualquier daño derivado del
uso del aparato fuera de este ám-
bito de aplicación, cualquier uso
incorrecto, así como cualquier
modicación manual del produc-
to, no estará cubierto y anulará
automáticamente la garantía.
En caso de avería, acuda al Ser-
vicio de Atención al Cliente.
Este aparato podrá ser utiliza-
do por niños de ocho años o
más y por personas con dis-
capacidad física, sensorial o
mental, o personas con falta
de experiencia o conocimien-
tos, siempre que cuenten con
supervisión o se les haya pro-
porcionado instrucciones para
usar este aparato de un modo
seguro, y entiendan los ries-
gos que conlleva. Los niños no
deben jugar con el aparato. La
limpieza y mantenimiento no
deben ser realizados por niños
sin supervisión.
Estas instrucciones también
están disponibles en
1.1. Fuente de alimentación
Compruebe que la tensión de la
red eléctrica es compatible con la
indicada en el aparato. En caso
de que no sea compatible, con-
sulte al Servicio de Atención al
1.2. Cable de alimentacn
y otros cables
No enrolle el cable de alimenta-
ción ni tire de él para desenchu-
far el aparato. Asimismo, man-
téngalo alejado de supercies
Nunca utilice este aparato si el
cable o el enchufe están daña-
En su lugar, llévelo a un Servicio
de Atención al Cliente para que
proceda a su sustitución.
1.3. Humedad y agua
No utilice el aparato en lugares
húmedos. No deje que el apara-
to se moje en ninguna circuns-
tancia, pues puede ser peligro-
so. Para evitar el peligro de in-
cendio o descarga eléctrica, no
exponga el aparato al agua o la
humedad. Asimismo, no sumerja
el aparato en agua (por ejemplo,
para limpiarlo).
1.4. Limpieza
Antes de proceder a la limpieza
del aparato, apáguelo y desco-
necte el cable de la corriente.
Deje siempre que el aparato se
enfríe antes de efectuar cualquier
operación de limpieza.
Para limpiar el exterior del pro-
ducto, utilice únicamente un paño
suave y seco.
1.5. Advertencias
de seguridad
Siga las instrucciones de este
manual, que le ayudarán a ins-
talar y poner correctam e en ent
funcionamiento este producto y
disfrutar de sus caractesticas
avanzadas. Guarde las instruc-
ciones para referencia futura.
Lea todas las instrucciones antes
de usar el aparato.
Las operaciones de reparacn o
mantenimiento deben ser realiza-
das únicamente por profesiona-
les autorizados.
Cualquier daño provocado por
modicaciones manuales al pro-
ducto no esta cubierto por la
Si usa el producto para otros nes
que no sean para los que p1-ha sido
originalmente diseñado, o si no
es correctamente conectado, el
producto pod sufrir daños y la
garantía queda anulada.
2.1. Descripcn
del producto
Reproductor digital portil de
nueva generación
Acepta varios formatos de-
sica, incluyendo MP3 que re-
producen una calidad de sonido
perfecta, estabilidad y un diseño
Características únicas
Diso elegante y fácil de usar
Reproductor de digos múltiples
Compatible con lo formato MP3
1. Breve vista
del reproductor
Reproducción / Pausa
Entrada de
Retroceso VOL -
Avance rápido
2. Funciones de los botones
1. Inicio / Reproducción / Pausa /
Detener, presionar el botón Play
2. ON / OFF: enciende o apaga el
reproductor MP3

Produkt Specifikationer

Mærke: Kunft
Kategori: Medieafspiller
Model: KTMP4061BK

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