Kunft KTMP4062BK Manual

Kunft Mediaspeler KTMP4062BK

Læs nedenfor 📖 manual på dansk for Kunft KTMP4062BK (2 sider) i kategorien Mediaspeler. Denne guide var nyttig for 5 personer og blev bedømt med 4.5 stjerner i gennemsnit af 2 brugere

Side 1/2
Instructions Manual
Dear client,
Thank you for purchasing this product.
The quality of this appliance has been
certied by several laboratory tests.
This instructions manual is provided
to simplify the use of the appliance as
well as to guarantee a safe use.
Please read carefully the instructions
and safety measures described in this
We sincerely hope you will be satised
when using your new appliance.
Risk of electric shock
Do not open
Warning: to avoid the risk of electric
shock, do not remove the cover. The
interior does not contain any parts
that can be repaired by the user. Ask
for assistance from the Customer
Support Service.
Important Warnings
Before using your appliance read these
instructions manual carefully and keep
it in a safe place as you may need to
consult it in the future.
Before turning on your appliance, and
to ensure a safe and correct operation,
do not use if:
- It has fallen to the ground;
- You notice any evidence of damage;
- Any anomaly occurs during its
To avoid hazards or deterioration of
your appliance through incorrect use it
is advisable to read these instructions
Your appliance should not be used for
other purposes than the ones intended
and solely for household use. Any da-
mage resulting from using the applian-
ce outside this scope, any incorrect
use, as well as any manual modica-
tions to the product will not be covered
and automatically voids the warranty.
In case of malfunction, take your ap-
pliance to the Customer Support Servi-
ce for assistance.
This appliance can be used by chil-
dren from the age of 8 and by people
with reduced physical, sensorial or
mental capabilities and / or lack of ex-
perience and knowledge if they have
been given instructions on using the
appliance safely and if they unders-
tand the hazards involved. Children
may not play with the appliance.
Cleaning and maintenance must not
be carried out by children without su-
These instructions are also available at
1.1. Power Supply
Make sure the main voltage is compa-
tible with the appliance’s. If this is not
the case, please consult the Customer
Support Service.
1.2. Power Cord
and Other Cables
Do not tangle the cord or pull it to dis-
connect the appliance. Also, keep the
cord away from warm surfaces.
Never use the appliance if it has a da-
maged cable or socket.
Take it to the Customer Support Service
for replacement.
1.3. Humidity and Water
Do not use your appliance in humid
places. Do not allow the appliance to
become wet under any circumstances
as this may be dangerous. To avoid re
hazard or electric shock do not expo-
se your appliance to humidity or water.
Furthermore, do not place your applian-
ce under water (e.g. for cleaning).
1.4. Cleaning
Before cleaning, be sure to switch off
the appliance and remove the plug from
the main power supply. Always allow
the unit to cool down before cleaning.
To clean the exterior of the product, use
a dry soft cloth only.
1.5. General Precautions
Please follow the instructions in the
user manual which will help you to
properly install and operate this pro-
duct and enjoy its advanced features.
Please keep the instructions for future
Read all instructions before using the
Maintenance and service operations
are only to be carried out by authori-
zed professionals.
Any damage caused by manual modi-
cations to the product is not covered
by the warranty.
If this product is used for other purpo-
ses than the ones originally intended,
or if it is not correctly connected, the
product may become damaged and
the warranty will be voided.
2.1. Product Description
Special Features
Elegant design and easy to use.
Multi-code Player - Supports MP3,
WMA formats.
Driver Free U-Disk - You may directly
manage your les through “Portable
Device” in “My Computer” on Windo-
ws 2000 Operating System or above
without a driver.
Brief Player View
Play / Pause
Vol +
Vol -
Key button functions
1. Play / Pause button: To Play /
Pause, On / Off
2. Vol+ button: To increase
the volume level
3. Vol- button: To decrease
the volume level
4. Prev button: To go to the previous
5. Next button: To go to the next song
6. Reset button: To restore
the factory settings
USB: For PC connection and charge
instructions manual
manual de instrucciones
manual de instruções
Imported, produced and distributed by:
Importado, producido y distribuido por:
Importado, produzido e distribuído por:
Worten, equipamentos para o lar, S.A.
Rua João Mendonça nº 505
4464-503 Senhora da Hora - Portugal
4gb mp3 player
2.2. Product usage
About the player’s battery
This player has an internal, non-user-
-replaceable rechargeable lithium bat-
tery. For best results, the rst time you
use the player, let it charge for about
1 - 2 hours or until the charging LED
lights turns blue before you use it.
Charging the Battery
You can charge the player’s battery in
two ways:
1. Connect the player to your compu-
ter. Or,
2. Use the USB power charger (availa-
ble separately).
Please note the li-polymer battery will
keep consuming energy, so even if the
device is off for a long time, it needs to
be periodically charged (at least charge
it once a month).
Starting the player
1. Turn On / Off
1.1 Plug the earphone set into the
player’s jack.
1.2 Press and hold the button for about
2-3 seconds; the player will turn on
and the music will directly play.
1.3 Press and hold the button for about
2-3 seconds to turn the player off.
2. Play / Pause Music
2.1 Press the button to pause the
playing music; press it again to play.
2.2 If the player is in pause for 3 minu-
tes, it will automatically turn off.
3. Adjust the Volume
3.1 Press the + / - button to increase or
decrease the volume level.
3.2 Press and hold the + / - button to
increase or decrease the volume
level faster.
4. Play Next / Previous Song
4.1 In playing mode, press the button to
select the next song.
4.2 Press the button to select previous
USB mode
1. Connecting the player
to a computer
1.1 Connect the player to a computer
with the USB cable. A “USB Mass
Storage Device” is then detected
and the related driver is installed by
your computer (Windows 2000 / XP
System or above).
1.2 A removable disk drive will be sho-
wn in “My computer” folder. Now
you can start the Read / Write ope-
ration. Meanwhile, the battery is
charging in background.
1.3 While connected, the player can
play music if you press the play but-
ton. However, the player may stop
or start playing if the PC connection
is removed.
2. Removing the player from
a computer
Please proceed safety to remove the
player from a computer, otherwise the
data stored in the player might be loss.
2.1 If you are using a Windows PC, you
can disconnect the player in My
Computer or by clicking the “Safely
Remove Hardware” icon in the Win-
dows system tray.
2.2 If you are using a Mac, you can also
disconnect the player by dragging
the player icon on the desktop to
the Trash.
2.3 By now it is safe to disconnect the
player from your computer. Unplug
the USB connector from the player
and then your computer.
2.4 If you accidentally disconnected the
player, reconnect it to your compu-
2.5 When the device is on, and after
removing the PC connection, the
player will auto-play the music di-
Indicator light function
Playing Mode: The blue light will ash
once every second.
Pause Mode: The blue light will stay
PC Connecting Mode: The blue light
will stay lit (full charge), the red light
will stay lit (charging).
Recharging Mode: The red light will
stay lit.
Recharging complete: The red light
will turn off and the blue light will stay
2.3. Maintenance
This player has an internal, non-user-
-replaceable rechargeable lithium bat-
tery. For best results, the rst time you
use the player, let it charge for about 1 -
2 hours or until the charging LED lights
turns blue before you use it.
2.4. Troubleshooting
The player cannot turn on
Check whether the battery has enou-
gh power.
There is no sound
Check whether the Volume is set to
“minimum” and rmly connect the he-
adphone plugs.
Check whether the headphone plug
is dirty.
Corrupted WMA / MP3 may cause a
static noise and the sound may cut off.
Please make sure that the music les
are not corrupted.
Check whether the music le format
is support.
Download of music les fails
Check whether the player’s USB con-
nector is properly connected to your
Check whether the driver is properly
Check whether the player’s memory
is full.
Supports MP3, WMA formats
Includes a Driver Free U-Disk
KUNFT has designed this appliance in
order to guarantee maximum reliability.
However, if a problem occurs do not
attempt to open the appliance - there is
a risk of electrical shock. If you are not
able to solve the problem, please con-
tact the Customer Support Service of
any Worten, Modelo or Continente store
in order to be assisted. Worten Equipa-
mentos para o Lar provides a 2-year
warranty for manufacturing defects from
the date of purchase of the appliance.
WARNING: any attempt to repair the
appliance without contacting the manu-
facturer or seller will void the warranty.
All users must be familiar with these
instructions. Knowing what could go
wrong can help prevent problems from
In order to protect the environment,
we strive to reduce the volume of pa-
ckaging used, limiting it to three easily
sorted materials: cardboard, paper and
plastic. The appliance is manufactured
using recyclable materials after disas-
sembled by a specialized company.
Please comply with local
regulations concerning the
recycling of all materials.
Worten hereby declares that this
equipment (6880424 - 4GB MP3
PLAYER PT) is in compliance with
Directive 2014/53/EU of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 16
April 2014. The full declaration is
available at the following Internet
address: www.suporteworten.pt
Estimado cliente:
Gracias por adquirir este producto.
Este aparato p1-ha sido sometido a
diversas pruebas que avalan su
calidad. Este manual de instrucciones
está destinado a facilitar el uso del
aparato y garantizar un uso seguro.
Lea atentamente las instrucciones,
así como las medidas de seguridad
descritas en este manual.
Esperamos sinceramente que esté
satisfecho con su nuevo aparato.
Peligro de
No abrir
Atención: para evitar el riesgo de
electrocución, no abra esta unidad.
Su interior no contiene elementos
que puedan ser reparados por
el usuario. Acuda al Servicio de
Atención al Cliente para obtener
Avisos importantes
Antes de usar el aparato, lea atenta-
mente este manual de instrucciones y
guárdelo en un lugar seguro, pues pue-
de tener que consultarlo en el futuro.
Antes de encender el aparato, y a n de
garantizar su utilización de forma cor-
recta y segura, no lo utilice si:
- Se p1-ha caído al suelo;
- Nota alguna señal de daño;
- Se produce alguna anomalía durante
su funcionamiento.
Para evitar posibles peligros y el dete-
rioro del aparato debido a un uso incor-
recto, se recomienda que lea atenta-
mente las instrucciones.
Este aparato no deberá ser utilizado
para otros nes que no sean los previs-
tos en el manual y únicamente para uso
doméstico. Cualquier daño derivado
del uso del aparato fuera de este ám-
bito de aplicación, cualquier uso incor-
recto, así como cualquier modicación
manual del producto, no estará cubierto
y anulará automáticamente la garantía.
En caso de avería, acuda al Servicio de
Atención al Cliente.
Este aparato podser utilizado por
niños de ocho años o más y por
personas con discapacidad física,
sensorial o mental, o personas con
falta de experiencia o conocimien-
tos, siempre que cuenten con super-
visión o se les haya proporcionado
instrucciones para usar este apara-
to de un modo seguro, y entiendan
los riesgos que conlleva. Los niños
no deben jugar con el aparato. La
limpieza y mantenimiento no deben
ser realizados por niños sin super-
Estas instrucciones también están dispo-
nibles en www.suporteworten.pt
1.1. Fuente de alimentación
Compruebe que la tensión de la red
eléctrica es compatible con la indica-
da en el aparato. En caso de que no
sea compatible, consulte al Servicio de
Atención al Cliente.
1.2. Cable de alimentación
y otros cables
No enrolle el cable de alimentación ni
tire de él para desenchufar el aparato.
Asimismo, manténgalo alejado de su-
percies calientes.
Nunca utilice este aparato si el cable o
el enchufe están dañados.
En su lugar, llévelo a un Servicio de
Atención al Cliente para que proceda a
su sustitución.
1.3. Humedad y agua
No utilice el aparato en lugares húme-
dos. No deje que el aparato se moje en
ninguna circunstancia, pues puede ser
peligroso. Para evitar el peligro de in-
cendio o descarga eléctrica, no expon-
ga el aparato al agua o la humedad.
Asimismo, no sumerja el aparato en
agua (por ejemplo, para limpiarlo).
1.4. Limpieza
Antes de proceder a la limpieza del
aparato, apáguelo y desconecte el ca-
ble de la corriente. Deje siempre que
el aparato se enfríe antes de efectuar
cualquier operación de limpieza.
Para limpiar el exterior del producto,
utilice únicamente un paño suave y
1.5. Advertencias
de seguridad
Siga las instrucciones de este manu-
al, que le ayudarán a instalar y poner
correctamente en funcionamiento este
producto y disfrutar de sus caracterís-
ticas avanzadas. Guarde las instruc-
ciones para referencia futura.
Lea todas las instrucciones antes de
usar el aparato.
Las operaciones de reparación o
mantenimiento deben ser realizadas
únicamente por profesionales autori-
Cualquier daño provocado por modi-
caciones manuales al producto no
estará cubierto por la garantía.
Si usa el producto para otros nes
que no sean para los que p1-ha sido
originalmente diseñado, o si no está
correctamente conectado, el producto
podrá sufrir daños y la garana que-
dará anulada.
2.1. Descripción
del producto
Características especiales
Diseño elegante y fácil de usar.
Reproductor de múltiples códigos: com-
patible con los formatos MP3, WMA.
Memoria USB sin controlador: puede
administrar directamente sus archivos
a través de «Dispositivos portátiles»
en «Mi PC» en el sistema operativo
Windows 2000 o superior, sin un con-
Breve vista del reproductor
Reproducir / Pausa
Vol +
Vol -
Funciones de los botones
1. Botón Reproducir / Pausa: para
reproducir / pausar, encendido /
2. Botón Vol+: para aumentar
el nivel de volumen
3. Botón Vol-: para disminuir
el volumen.
4. Botón Anterior: para ir
a la canción anterior
5. Botón Siguiente: para ir
a la siguiente canción
6. Botón Restaurar: restaura
la conguración de fábrica
USB: para conectar al ordenador
y la función de carga.
2.2. Utilización
del producto
Sobre la batería
del reproductor
Este reproductor contiene una batea
de litio recargable no reemplazable por
el usuario. Para obtener mejores resul-
tados, la primera vez que use el repro-
ductor, antes de utilizarlo, deje que se
cargue durante aproximadamente 1 a
2 horas o hasta que las luces LED se
vuelven azules.

Produkt Specifikationer

Mærke: Kunft
Kategori: Mediaspeler
Model: KTMP4062BK

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